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Master Your Business Processes and Requirements with Innovator

Innovator is a powerful tool for business process modeling. Use it for standardized and structured mapping of process models and decisions with BPMN and DMN. Create events and worksteps and all further relevant information, such as those responsible, resources, data, runtimes and costs. Model-based depiction of requirements and use cases is also possible. Innovator is a smart editor that supports you in your modeling work and suggests suitable elements.

These Advantages Are What Business Analysts Live For!


Your Path to Success with BPMN and DMN Standards

Use worldwide recognized standards for structured modeling of your processes and decisions to ensure consistent and comprehensible processes.


From Process Sketches to Executable Processes

Use Innovator for standardized creation of your processes so that they can be automated and executed using process engines at a later stage.


All Business Analysis Aspects Combined in One Tool

Carry out your analysis solely in Innovator and use textual requirements, organizations, use cases, classes, masks, business processes and additional functions.


Your Path to Success with BPMN and DMN Standards

Use worldwide recognized standards for structured modeling of your processes and decisions to ensure consistent and comprehensible processes.


From Process Sketches to Executable Processes

Use Innovator for standardized creation of your processes so that they can be automated and executed using process engines at a later stage.


All Business Analysis Aspects Combined in One Tool

Carry out your analysis solely in Innovator and use textual requirements, organizations, use cases, classes, masks, business processes and additional functions.

These Functions and Many More are Waiting for You in Innovator

Innovator Business Process Modeling with BPMN | MID GmbH

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Modeling Business Processes with BPMN 2.0

In many projects, business processes form the bases for understanding requirements and relationships. Innovator contains the BPMN 2.0 standard for process modeling. You can also map concept models on an SOA (service-oriented architecture) using Innovator. Innovator actually actively supports this process by automatically changing detail elements into correct BPMN.

Innovator Process Map | MID GmbH

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Process Map

Use the process map to describe the structure of your company’s processes and how individual subprocesses have an effect on each other. Visualizing your processes allows you to view the organizational and structural evaluation of processes within your company and how they are linked together. This allows you to model both the process structure and flows. Process maps are the ideal introduction into your model. You can jump from elements in the process map directly to the corresponding submodels, regardless of whether this is an org chart or a refined process description in BPMN.

Innovator GUI Mask flows | MID GmbH

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GUI / Mask Flows

The mask flow diagram enables users of an IT application in the operating department to communicate their requirements in the form of masks, dialogs or windows. The mask flow diagram extends the BPMN concept of a user task by enabling you to enter a mask for a task and to display the mask’s fields within the task.

Innovator Activity based costing | MID GmbH

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Activity-Based Costing

Identify which costs occur for a process within your company using activity-based costing. Create the relevant key indicators using powerful editors in a table form. Analysis results are then exported to Excel and can be easily used for subsequent evaluation.

Innovator Animation of Process models | MID GmbH

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Animating Process Models

Regular model reviews can help to improve process quality and recognize design errors in good time. Concrete flow scenarios split into various situations can be identified in nested processes and shown in a clear film. Process model animation makes it easier to understand and create relationships. This allows you to improve communication and comprehension between all departments.

Innovator decision modeling with DMN | MID GmbH

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Modeling Decisions with DMN

Decisions need to be made in every business process. Use DMN to formalize decision making and export from the process, making the process easier to understand and maintain. Create graphics of your decisions, dependencies and decision owners, and export them to be run in process and decision engines. An integrated simulation function helps you to make quick logical and technically correct decisions. Tap your existing data mining and machine learning knowledge by combining predictive model markup language (PMML) functions.

Innovator Use Case Analysis | MID GmbH

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Use Case Analysis

Use UML use case models to model requirements. The system is shown with its use cases and the respective stakeholders. This enables you to link your BPMN processes with use cases in the IT system by defining sub paths or flow scenarios for the process and assigning them to a use case. The same model elements which are available for modeling processes can also be used for modeling use cases.

Innovator Textual Requirements | MID GmbH

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Textual Requirements

Textual requirements represent the basic notation for documenting requirements, making them a necessary part of requirements documentation, such as requirements specifications, as well as rough and detailed concepts. Well-formulated requirements mean there are no nasty surprises during the project phases and there is less need for coordination.

General Innovator Functions

Innovator Whiteboard Icon | MID GmbHWhiteboard Diagram

Comprehensive diagram used for visualizing relationships from different notations.

Innovator Impact Analyse Icon | MID GmbHImpact Analysis

The analysis provides you with a graphical depiction of relationships in your model.

Innovator Report und Dokumentationgenerierung Icon | MID GmbHGenerate Reports

Let Innovator automatically generate necessary reports and documentation.

Innovator Versionsverwaltung Icon | MID GmbHVersion Management

Innovator ensures a consistent model and uses version management.

Innovator Versionsvergleich Icon | MID GmbHVersion Comparison

Use the merge function to synchronize changes in other model versions.

Innovator Import und Export Excel Icon | MID GmbHData Import and Export

Export any model information in a structured form and import changes.

Innovator Gemeinsam Nutzbar Icon | MID GmbHMulti-User Operation

Modelers can work simultaneously on the same Innovator model and communicate via annotations.

Innovator Prüfassistent Icon | MID GmbHVerification Wizard

Identify errors oder violations to modeling conventions and fix them then and there.

Innovator Änderungsprotokollierung Icon | MID GmbHChange Logs

Each change made to the model is automatically logged to allow traceability.

Innovator Mehrsprachigkeit Icon | MID GmbHMulti-Language Models

Innovator supports all EU languages + Russian, Turkish and has a translation function.

These and many more customers already successfully use Innovator. Are you chomping at the bit to get started too?

Innovator | Splashscreen

Start Your Innovator Test Mission Now!

  • Test Innovator 60 days for free and with no strings attached
  • Use the demo data or create your own model
  • Model using ArchiMate®, BPMN, DMN, UML, Data Vault and much more
  • Check out what our power tool has to offer
  • Make a list of any questions you may have and ask them during your own personal demo
Try Out Innovator Now

Start Your Innovator Test Mission Now!

  • Test Innovator 60 days for free and with no strings attached
  • Use the demo data or create your own model
  • Model using ArchiMate®, BPMN, DMN, UML, Data Vault and much more
  • Check out what our power tool has to offer
  • Make a list of any questions you may have and ask them during your own personal demo
Try Out Innovator Now

Follow Innovator and MID GmbH

Start Your Free Innovator Trial!
Model business processes, databases, software and enterprise architectures with one software. Experience it yourself!
  • Test the full version for 60 days
  • 3 thematic demo models
  • Comprehensive Online Help
Try out Innovator now