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Boost Your Agile Software Development with Innovator

Innovator is a powerful tool for software modeling. Object-oriented and model-driven modeling of your software structures and development processes with Innovator using the worldwide renowned standard UML 2. Innovator contains a multitude of UML diagrams for all your modeling needs. Linking in models enables transparent mapping of relationships and change impacts.

This is What Software Architects Live For!


Model Using a Tailor-Made UML Profile

Use Innovator’s UML standard profile for modeling your software development process or customize your own UML profile to suit your needs.


Work Efficiently in Innovator Using Source Code

Use Java Harvester to create class models from your source code or easily generate source code from your designed class models.


Interface Documentation at the Touch of a Button

Generate an OpenAPI interface documentation from your business or technical models in Innovator at the touch of a button.


Model Using a Tailor-Made UML Profile

Use Innovator’s UML standard profile for modeling your software development process or customize your own UML profile to suit your needs.


Work Efficiently in Innovator Using Source Code

Use Java Harvester to create class models from your source code or easily generate source code from your designed class models.


Interface Documentation at the Touch of a Button

Generate an OpenAPI interface documentation from your business or technical models in Innovator at the touch of a button.

These Diagrams and Many More are Waiting for You in Innovator

Innovator Class Diagram | MID GmbH

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Class Diagram

Use the UML class diagram to describe classes in your system and their properties, operations and relationships between classes. Innovator allows you to differ between the design and analysis model when modeling. Use the analysis model for depicting what the system should achieve from the point of view of the user. Map classes, attributes, operations and their relationships which should all be contained in the software system developed later from the business perspective of things. The analysis model is mapped to the implementation technique in the design model. This shows you how the system needs to be constructed technically so that it can carry out the properties required during analysis.

Innovator Activity Diagram | MID GmbH

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Activity Diagram

You can model precisely one activity using the UML activity diagram. This activity contains actions, control flows and object flows which show the formal, graphic description of the activity’s flow in its entirety.

Innovator Deployment Diagram | MID GmbH

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Deployment Diagram

Use the deployment diagram for modeling a certain view of the physical structure of your modeled IT system. Innovator supports depiction of computer nodes, components, artifacts, form specifications, connections and deployment relationships as standard.

Innovator | Sequence Diagram | MID GmbH

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Sequence Diagram

The UML sequence diagram is used to model the information exchange between any number of communication partners of a system. You can show the order, timed and logical flow conditions, loops and concurrencies in information exchange to map the flow of communication.

Innovator State Diagram | MID GmbH

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State Diagram

The UML state diagram gives you an overview of states which can assume the depicted state machine at runtime, e.g. a single object or a (sub) system. It determines which events cause state changes or transitions.

Innovator Use Case Diagram | MID GmbH

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Use Case Diagram

A UML use case diagram is used to model the external behavior of a system from the view of actors; it shows how actors, use cases and their relationships are related to each other. Use textural specifications to describe use cases.

Innovator Composite Structure Diagram | MID GmbH

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Composite Structure Diagram

Use the UML composite structure diagram for modeling the inner structures and interaction relationships for classifiers. Structurally-static and structurally-dynamic composite structures are differentiated between. The first maps the whole system in its parts when creating a decomposition and the second function and parts of the system required for this.

General Innovator Functions

Innovator Whiteboard Icon | MID GmbHWhiteboard Diagram

Comprehensive diagram used for visualizing relationships from different notations.

Innovator Impact Analyse Icon | MID GmbHImpact Analysis

The analysis provides you with a graphical depiction of relationships in your model.

Innovator Report und Dokumentationgenerierung Icon | MID GmbHGenerate Reports

Let Innovator automatically generate necessary reports and documentation.

Innovator Versionsverwaltung Icon | MID GmbHVersion Management

Innovator ensures a consistent model and uses version management.

Innovator Versionsvergleich Icon | MID GmbHVersion Comparison

Use the merge function to synchronize changes in other model versions.

Innovator Import und Export Excel Icon | MID GmbHData Import and Export

Export any model information in a structured form and import changes.

Innovator Gemeinsam Nutzbar Icon | MID GmbHMulti-User Operation

Modelers can work simultaneously on the same Innovator model and communicate via annotations.

Innovator Prüfassistent Icon | MID GmbHVerification Wizard

Identify errors oder violations to modeling conventions and fix them then and there.

Innovator Änderungsprotokollierung Icon | MID GmbHChange Logs

Each change made to the model is automatically logged to allow traceability.

Innovator Mehrsprachigkeit Icon | MID GmbHMulti-Language Models

Innovator supports all EU languages + Russian, Turkish and has a translation function.

These and many more customers already successfully use Innovator. Are you chomping at the bit to get started too?

Innovator | Splashscreen

Try out Innovator now!

  • Use the full version for 60 days for free and with no obligation
  • Use the demo data or create your own model
  • Model using ArchiMate®, BPMN, DMN, UML, Data Vault and much more
  • Check out what our power tool has to offer
  • Make a list of any questions you may have and ask them during your own personal demo
Try Out Innovator Now

Start Your Innovator Test Mission Now!

  • Test Innovator 60 days for free and with no strings attached
  • Use the demo data or create your own model
  • Model using ArchiMate®, BPMN, DMN, UML, Data Vault and much more
  • Check out what our power tool has to offer
  • Make a list of any questions you may have and ask them during your own personal demo
Try Out Innovator Now

Follow Innovator and MID GmbH

Start Your Free Innovator Trial!
Model business processes, databases, software and enterprise architectures with one software. Experience it yourself!
  • Test the full version for 60 days
  • 3 thematic demo models
  • Comprehensive Online Help
Try out Innovator now