Develop Your Transparent Enterprise Architecture with Innovator
Innovator is an integrative tool which supports you with modeling and management of your enterprise architecture. It enables you to map all relevant aspects of your company as architecture elements, including reciprocal relationships and effects. Create a base of structured processes, resources, services and objects and use the meta model as a prerequisite for further developing the IT landscape into concrete projects, based on your business strategy.
These Advantages are What Enterprise Architects Live For!
Your Path to Success with ArchiMate® and TOGAF®Use Innovator for designing, planning, implementing and maintaining your enterprise architecture with models based on the ArchiMate® standard and TOGAF framework.
Knowledge Gain with Analysis and ReportAnalyze your enterprise architecture to gain valuable insight. Identify untapped potential and document this in informative
Integration in Your Solution ArchitectureIntegrate your enterprise architecture into your existing solution architecture for more accurate predictions and to anticipate
Your Path to Success with ArchiMate® and TOGAF®Use Innovator for designing, planning, implementing and maintaining your enterprise architecture with models based on the ArchiMate® standard and TOGAF framework.
Knowledge Gain with Analysis and ReportAnalyze your enterprise architecture to gain valuable insight. Identify untapped potential and document this in informative reports.
Integration in Your Solution ArchitectureIntegrate your enterprise architecture into your existing solution architecture for more accurate predictions and to anticipate risks.
These Functions and Many More are Waiting for You in Innovator
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ArchiMate® 3.2 Support
With ArchiMate®, Innovator supports the worldwide recognized standard for modeling enterprise architecture. ArchiMate® is particularly closely linked to The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF®). TOGAF® constitutes a method for designing, planning, implementing and maintaining enterprise architectures that you can use with Innovator to model your processes. Model elements are modeled on different levels when mapping enterprise architecture; these are then linked with each other using relationships.
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Integration in Your Solution Architecture
Integrate all content from your enterprise architecture with your solution architecture’s modeling artifacts. Link business processes, application components and data objects with your specifications in BPMN 2.0, UML 2 and your entity relationship model.
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Extendable Profiles
Use the Innovator profile mechanism to create precisely the information that is relevant for your enterprise architecture. Extend existing elements to include additional properties and describing texts or create your own model elements that can be seamlessly integrated in the model.
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Gap Analysis
Use Innovator’s gap analysis to compare your enterprise architecture’s target and performance to quickly identify and fix any gaps. One of Innovator’s strong points is documentation generation in HTML and Microsoft Word that can be configured as required. Gaps can be made transparent once they have been modeled by incorporating them into an MS Word documentation so they can be quickly analyzed. Architecture states can be set out next to each other and compared in a whiteboard diagram. This supports verification of enterprise architectures.
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Impact Analysis
Use impact analysis to automatically determine affects a change may have. A graph created automatically in Innovator shows you which of your systems, processes, data and projects might be affected by a change. This allows you to make an informed assessment of the affects and make decisions quicker.
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Portfolio Analysis
You can facilitate a portfolio analysis of certain elements in your enterprise architecture by exporting performance indicators from Innovator. A set of elements are compared in two dimensions, e.g. business processes can be assessed using key indicators that you can configure to suit your needs. These are then exported to Excel at the touch of a button and the portfolio graphic is displayed there.
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Graphics Export
Diagrams created in Innovator can be exported in various formats. Innovator uses vector graphics, which means that exported diagrams are always high resolution. Embed exported graphics into e.g. MS PowerPoint to highlight your enterprise architecture or next project in graphic form.
General Innovator Functions

Comprehensive diagram used for visualizing relationships from different notations.

The analysis provides you with a graphical depiction of relationships in your model.

Let Innovator automatically generate necessary reports and documentation.

Innovator ensures a consistent model and uses version management.

Export any model information in a structured form and import changes.

Modelers can work simultaneously on the same Innovator model and communicate via annotations.

Identify errors oder violations to modeling conventions and fix them then and there.

Innovator supports all EU languages + Russian, Turkish and has a translation function.
These and many more customers already successfully use Innovator. Are you chomping at the bit to get started too?

Try out Innovator now!
- Use the full version for 60 days for free and with no obligation
- Use the demo data or create your own model
- Model using ArchiMate®, BPMN, DMN, UML, Data Vault and much more
- Check out what our power tool has to offer
- Make a list of any questions you may have and ask them during your own personal demo
Start Your Innovator Test Mission Now!
- Test Innovator 60 days for free and with no strings attached
- Use the demo data or create your own model
- Model using ArchiMate®, BPMN, DMN, UML, Data Vault and much more
- Check out what our power tool has to offer
- Make a list of any questions you may have and ask them during your own personal demo
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