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    Innovator 15.2 Release Notes

    June 2, 2022


    You can find all detailed information about the June 2, 2022 Innovator 15.2 release and all Innovator 15.2 hotfixes here.

    Version Number Product Description Date
    Version Innovator 15.2.1 Hotfix September 21, 2023
    Version Innovator 15.2.1 Hotfix May 16, 2023
    Version Innovator 15.2.1 Hotfix March 31, 2023
    Version Innovator 15.2.1 Hotfix December 9, 2022
    Version Innovator 15.2.1 Hotfix August 19, 2022
    Version Innovator 15.2 Release June 2, 2022

    Notes on Version Consistency:

    When updating your Innovator installations, please note that we strongly recommend that the model server version and client version have the same version for the safe use of Innovator. It is mandatory that model server and clients have identical release numbers (XX.X.X). The hotfix is interface-compatible with the previous versions 15.2.1.XXXXX. Repositories updated by transformation or startup with the current server cannot be used in older versions.

    Notes on API Documentation:

    The API changes are continuously documented in the online help.


    The hotfix fixes migration issues for concepts.

    New Features

    CSV Export for Authorized Users

    In the “Authorized Users” dialog from the “Administrative Tasks” backstage view of the model editor and in the administration program in the context menu on standalone and managed models, the users who can log in to the model can be exported with their roles as CSV.

    Database Views: Select-DDL for Snowflake Extended

    The on-demand template for “Information Architect for Snowflake” contains the type system options DUPLICATES (with the values ‘-‘ , ALL, DISTINCT) and TOP (Integer) for the Select-DDL of database views.

    Find: Current User as Value in Advanced Search

    In the advanced search, the placeholder “CURRENT_USER” can be specified as a value for string-valued properties of properties, stereotype properties and labels as well as specification texts. This placeholder will be replaced by the name of the current user when the search is executed. The value can also be inserted into the search using IntelliSense.

    Impact Analysis: Edges into the Result Region

    The edges of an opened impact analysis can be added to the result region using the context menu command “Result Region>Add All Graph Edges”. The model elements represented by the edges appear in the result region. For edges representing a property, nothing is added to the result region.

    PowerShell: New HostName Property for Managed Models

    For managed models, the HostName property is provided. It contains the host on which the model is running. It is empty if the model is not started.

    Feature Updates

    ArchiMate® Export: Performance Improved

    The ArchiMate® export is significantly faster, especially for “Export Extended Selection”.

    Beamer: Elements Without Access

    The beamer also shows elements in the lower list to which the user has no access. The dependencies to elements without access can be displayed in the trees.

    BPMN: Edge Type of Message Flows Changed

    If a message flow is connected to a participant on at least one side, then the edge type rectangular is used. Only if a message flow is connected to a process content on source and target side, then a polygon is used as edge type. As part of the migration, the edge types are adopted according to these specifications. If the previous edge type does not match these specifications, it is adopted as a user-defined edge type. This does not change the display of the message flows.

    Dependency Editor: Performance Improved

    The performance of loading the server data for the dependency editor has been significantly improved.

    LDAP: Determination of the Group Assignment of Users

    During LDAP synchronization, the user assignment to groups is queried via the “MemberOf” field on the user itself. If no users are found here, then an attempt is made to determine the members of a group via the “UniqueMember” field on the group.

    Transfer of Specification Texts to Bpanda

    When transferring specification texts to Bpanda, empty paragraphs and empty lines at the end of paragraphs are ignored.

    Specification Editor: Horizontal Scroll Bar

    If a page width for the specification editor is not explicitly defined in the options for the model editor, the text is wrapped according to the window width. Tables may be cut off horizontally in the process. To avoid this effect, the horizontal scroll bar is displayed in these cases, which enables a complete display of all tables in the text.

    Bug Fixes

    Diagrams: Hide and Show Callouts

    Callouts can be hidden and shown again.

    Diagrams: Saving Graphical Changes with Active Display Language

    Graphical changes in the diagram are saved even when a display language is active.

    Impact Analysis Displays Edges with Square Brackets

    The impact analysis shows edges even if they have a square bracket in the displayed name.

    Migration of Concept Stereotypes

    As part of the migration from 15.1 to 15.2, concepts are divided into concepts and junctions. The necessary stereotypes are created for junctions. The corresponding stereotypes are deleted for concepts if there is no further use as a concept. Abstract super stereotypes are not deleted if a sub stereotype has supported both usage types.

    Model Versions when Restarting the Agent

    An agent (InoAgent) starts up all model versions that were started by it before the shutdown. If a large number of model versions are started, then the agent waits, depending on the available processors, before starting further model versions until previously started model versions are ready for operation.

    PowerShell Command Retrieves Managed Models Correctly

    The PowerShell command “Get-InnoManagedModelVersion” retrieves model versions correctly when multiple InoAgent instances operate on a common INOPRJ.

    Specification Texts: Hyperlinks in Enumerations

    In specification texts, text at the beginning of an enumerated entry can be converted to a hyperlink.


    The hotfix makes Windows user names that contain umlauts and other characters from the extended Latin Unicode character set acceptable.

    Feature Updates

    BPMN: Export Event Definition

    When exporting an event definition to BPMN or to Bpanda, the event definition type “Unspecified” is exported as “Signal”.

    Excel Import Enables Selection of Stereotype or Create Template

    During the Excel import, the stereotype or the create template can be specified for a model element in the Excel file. If the stereotype or the create template is not unique, then the selection is supported by a dialog. The selection of the stereotype and the create template applies to all model elements with the same specified name.

    Export to BPMN or Bpanda Transfers Visible Properties

    When exporting to BPMN or Bpanda, a stereotype property is only transferred if visibility in dialogs is activated for it on the stereotype. A label is only transferred if it is visible in the documentation. A text is only transferred if it can be used in the documentation and the display of the text is not hidden.

    Bug Fixes

    Align Models Takes into Account Partner Entity and Partner Role

    If participants of a collaboration are considered in the aligning of models, then the partner entities and partner roles are also shown as differences and adopted in the merging.

    Find: Loading a Stereotype-based Text Search

    When loading a stereotype-based text search, the texts valid for the stereotype are correctly displayed in the “Find in Text Definition” selection list. The saved text definition is correctly selected.

    Oracle Database Import

    The database import for the database types “Oracle TNS” and “Oracle SID” works.

    User Names on Windows

    On Windows, user names with umlauts and other letters from the extended Latin Unicode character set are allowed.

    Whiteboard Diagram: Display of Edges

    Edges between contents of different diagrams can be displayed in the whiteboard diagram. If there are relationships between contents of collapsed compartments in these diagrams, these edges are automatically hidden in the whiteboard diagram.


    The hotfix provides OpenSSL 1.1.1t for the server programs to fix various security vulnerabilities.

    New Features

    ArchiMate® Extensions

    There are examples of extensions in the ArchiMate® specification. Many of these concepts are available in the Innovator templates with new icons and scalable diagram graphics and can be included in diagram menus as required.

    DB2: CREATE Clauses for Tablespaces and Databases

    For DB2 zOS and DB2 LUW the model templates and add-ons have been extended for generation and import of DDL files. The text definition with the logical name “EXTOPTIONS” configures the specification of clauses in the CREATE statement of databases or tablespaces.

    DB2: DDL Import/Generation of Tablespaces and Databases

    If a text definition with logical name “EXTOPTIONS” is configured at tablespaces or databases, then this specification is used for the clauses in the CREATE statement. This text definition should be configured as unformatted and not translatable. The IN clause in a CREATE TABLESPACE statement corresponds to the content relationship between tablespace and database in the model.

    Impact Analysis for Profile Imports

    The current demo model “Enterprise Modeling Car Rental” contains an example for the configuration of an impact analysis diagram for the purpose of a profile import analysis of system models and models. For this configuration a profile “Analysis Customization” has been created, which is imported by all system models. In the “Configurator” role, you can create a profile import analysis with the context menu command “New Impact Analysis” on a selected system model or model.

    Feature Updates

    OpenSSL 1.1.1t

    The server programs use OpenSSL 1.1.1t to fix various security vulnerabilities.

    Delete Invalid Model Versions

    When creating model versions, it could happen that, e.g. due to network problems, invalid model versions were created that could not be displayed and removed. If invalid model versions exist, then they are displayed in the administration program in the “Managed Models” tab under “[Invalid model versions]”. Currently running model versions are marked with red warning triangle and non-running model versions are marked with gray warning triangle. Running invalid model versions can be shut down. Non-running invalid model versions can be deleted.

    The tooltip on invalid model versions gives an indication of the problem that invalidates the version:

    • Version name cannot be determined
    • Model version has no content
    • Repository does not contain a managed model

    Diagrams: Changing the Order of Display Rules Accelerated

    Many rules can be defined for one element type in the dialog for display options. Editing and changing the order of the rules is significantly accelerated.

    Edges at Port Nodes

    Relationship edges can be added at a port node.

    Event Definition Type is Not Reset to Unspecified

    If the event definition is deleted for an event, then the event definition type is not reset to Unspecified.

    Excel Export and Import Support Instance Specification and Slot

    When exporting to Excel, JSON, XML and CSV, the classifier for an instance specification is also output. For a slot, the defining feature and the value are additionally output. It is possible to import instance specifications, links and slots from Excel.

    Excel Export Creates Additional Columns for Referenced Elements

    The Excel export creates additional columns if there are referenced elements that do not have a name. This concerns multi-valued reference properties and relationships, e.g. owners. In this case, there is an additional column for this property with the name of the origin column, extended by “UUID”. When importing the Excel file into Innovator, the referenced model element is not identified by name, but by UUID.

    Export Differences DDL File Optionally with Leading Source

    After importing a database (source), two cases can be distinguished for generating the alter script in the “Target of the alter script” group with the “Generation for source” option. If the option is set, the script is used for execution on the imported database so that it fits the Innovator model afterwards. If the option is not set, the script is used to execute on another database that matches the current Innovator model, so that this then matches the source database.

    Migration Basics

    The new migration profile “Migration Basics” replaces the migration profile “Migration Analysis” and additionally contains the default application configurations for impact analysis and merging.

    Bug Fixes

    Bpanda Connector: Notification for Process Transfer

    If Bpanda Connector confirms the successful transfer to Bpanda after exporting a process, then a notification is made in Bpanda to the user who is responsible for the process. This also applies if subject identifiers are set and the export was performed with the option “Merge processes within collaborations”.

    BPMN: Export of a Process Supports Global Tasks

    A process can also be exported if a global task is called that has the task type “Service”, “Send” or “Receive”.

    Concept Diagram: Text Position for Icon Display

    In the concept diagram, the text position of nodes in the icon representation is retained.

    Declaration for Association Roles

    If the type of an attribute is changed via the “Edit Declaration” dialog, then it is ensured that the selected type is also permissible. If the attribute is an association role, then all the verifications that are also performed when the association role is reconnected to another classifier are performed as well.

    DMN Simulation: Different Names

    DMN decisions can also be simulated if decisions, business logics or informations have a name that differs from their variable name.

    Edges to Attributes

    Edges associated with attributes of a class retain their shape when the diagram is opened.

    Evaluation of Association and Entity Relationship Display Options

    Display options of font color elements for association roles of n-ary associations and roles in entity relationships are evaluated correctly.

    Excel Import Sets the Date of Change

    When importing an Excel file, the date and time of the import and the importing user as the author of the last change are set on a changed model element even if the user does not have the “Configure” privilege.

    Use Case Diagrams: Standard Layout of Edges

    For the calculation of the standard layout of edges in the use case diagram, ellipses are correctly taken into account.


    The hotfix corrects the merging of diagram content without a model element to prevent model inconsistency and fixes the CVE-2022-42889 vulnerability in Java applications.

    New Features

    ArchiMate® Import: Create Container as Grouping

    When importing ArchiMate® files, the xsi:type “Container” can optionally be mapped to the ArchiMate® “Grouping” element. Alternatively, the diagram element “Frame” is still available. With this setting the appearance of containers in the diagram can be adapted even better to the source tool.

    DB2 zOS: SQL Alias

    In MID standard profile “Database Modeling” the stereotype «sqlAlias» is configured. Owner of the alias can be a table, a view or another alias. In MID standard profile “DB2 zOS DB Modeling” the menu command to create an alias is configured. If aliases are to be modeled in other databases, then the corresponding menu commands must be configured in the appropriate Customization profile.

    Edit Application Configurations with Double-Click

    In the “Administrative Contents” view of the model content, the editor for editing the content of application configurations can be opened by double-clicking.

    Version Information of Profiles in Documentation and Details

    Version name, version time stamp and version number of profiles can be used in documentation and details configuration. These properties are available in the element header as variables vname, vtime and vnumber.

    Feature Updates

    Advanced Search: Subselects of Diagrams

    The subselect “Contained elements (transitive)” is no longer offered on diagrams, because it would only provide graphical diagram elements, which however are not relevant in the advanced search. The subselect “Contained diagrams” on a whiteboard diagram is new. The subselect “Logical diagram contents” on a whiteboard diagram also returns all elements that occur in the contained diagrams.

    Base Templates May Contain Multiple System Models

    Base templates may contain multiple system models. Add-on templates can still contain only one system model.

    Bpanda Connector Takes Over Formatting of Description

    When importing a process from Bpanda, the Bpanda Connector also takes over the formatting of a description text to Innovator. In Bpanda, you can format the text in the description as bold, italic and underlined and create a listing or a bulleted list. These formattings are transferred to Innovator. The alignment of the first paragraph in Bpanda is adopted as the alignment and indentation of the entire text in Innovator. Indentations are not transferred.

    'Enterprise Modeling Standard' Model Template Contains EAM Template

    The “Enterprise Modeling Standard” model template additionally contains the content of the Enterprise Architecture Management template “Enterprise Architect for ArchiMate®” in two separate system models.

    Impact Analysis Shows Element Icons

    The Impact Analysis displays the icon for model elements that is also used in the Result Region tool window.

    Notation of ER Diagrams in Business Intelligence Models

    All diagrams based on the ER diagram are configured in the business intelligence profiles with the “James Martin” diagram notation. When using the new template or after importing the migration profiles, new diagrams are opened with this notation.

    Specification Editor: Shortcut for Hyperlinks

    In the specification editor you can create and modify hyperlinks using the key combination [Ctrl]+[K].

    Support for Cloud Databases

    Cloud databases such as BigQuery and Databricks allow structures (STRUCT or MAP) as data types for table columns. In the corresponding on-demand templates, this is achieved by linking a table with special stereotype to the column via a usage relationship. For modeling in ER with mapping to DB this is configured analogously in the ‘Entity/Relationship Modeling ORDBMS Addon’ profile. To use it, the ‘Entity/Relationship Modeling Customization’ profile must import this add-on profile instead of ‘Entity/Relationship Modeling’.

    Unification of Templates, Add-ons and Migration Profiles for Software Architects

    The base template and the add-on “Software Architect for UML 2” contain only UML 2 elements. The other templates, add-ons and migration profiles “Software Architect for *” build on this in terms of content and can be used independently without first using “Software Architect for UML 2”.

    Bug Fixes

    Java Vulnerability Fixed

    The CVE-2022-42889 vulnerability in Java applications has been fixed.

    Align Models: Reference Time When Merging

    In the Merge mode, repeated “Start Comparison” commands consider the respectively set reference time.

    Bookmarks Work Even With Role-Dependent Read Permissions

    Bookmarks also work when using multiple roles with mutually exclusive read permissions.

    Bpanda Connector Adopts Hyperlinks

    When importing a process from Bpanda, the Bpanda Connector also transfers the hyperlinks of a description text to Innovator.

    BPMN: Relationship Between Business Resources Assigns Names Automatically

    When creating a relationship between business resources, the name is determined from the relationship type. In the creation template, there is the corresponding note on the page for the name.

    BPMN: Selection in the Background of Groupings

    In the BPMN diagram, elements in the background of groupings can be selected with [Shift]+double-click.

    Diagrams: Default Size of Edge and Node Texts

    The default size calculation for edge and node texts is the same as in version 15.1 to prevent unwanted resizing.

    Import of a Model Fragment from a Process

    During the migration to version 15.2, the assignments of resources to lanes are converted into independent lane resource elements. As part of the migration or also when the repository server is started, a previously missing, unique property for these lane resource elements is automatically added. Older model fragments with non-unique lane resource elements are rejected with an error message during import. Creating and re-importing a model fragment from a migrated process with a lane containing at least two resources does not result in an error message and does not terminate the server.

    Merge Diagram Contents without Model Element

    In diagrams, most diagram contents require a model element. An exception to this is, for example, the frame. If the necessary model elements are to be deleted when merging models for the diagram contents, then this is rejected with an error message. Inconsistency of the model is thus prevented.

    Search Button Remains Operable

    After automatic loading of a last used text search, the search button remains operable even if there is no text type for all element types and with existing Bulk Commands privilege the entry “(all)” has been selected for both the element type and the specification.

    Shortcut Key for 'Reset Focus to Active Window in Document Pane'

    The shortcut key for “Resetting the focus on theactive window in the Document Area” is [Shift]+[F11]. [Shift]+[Home] is available for the default behavior “Mark to beginning of line” in the text editors.

    UML: Adding Dependencies Between Attributes

    In the class diagram, dependencies between attributes can be added even if no dependency is allowed for any class.

    Whiteboard Diagram: No Coloring of Reference Edges

    In the whiteboard diagram there are diagram edges and reference edges. Diagram edges represent independent elements (e.g. dependencies) and can also be partially created in the diagram. Reference edges always represent a property of the source element (e.g. business object of a data object). The evaluation of colors is supported only for diagram edges and not for reference edges, therefore coloring of reference edges is not allowed.

    Whiteboard Diagrams: SVG Export

    With SVG export of whiteboard diagrams all contained nodes are displayed.


    The hotfix corrects the communication with the license server in case of many repositories. In rare constellations, it was possible that a large number of running repositories would cause load peaks on the license server and restrict its availability. This scenario was mitigated by balancing the timing of recurring telegrams and optimizing the performance of the license server, so that the license server is once again available at all times.

    New Features

    Advanced Search: Keyword NAVIGATE

    The keyword “NAVIGATE” can be used to change the type of the search, which was set by means of the SELECT statement, to connected elements. However, unlike “COLLECT”, these elements are not included in the result set. The use of “NAVIGATE” serves to track relationships and is thus only useful in combination with a subsequent “COLLECT”.

    Example (search of classes and parameters of their operations):

    SELECT FROM #Class#

    NAVIGATE “Own operations”

    COLLECT “Parameters”

    Backstage View ``Change Sets``: Filtering is Stored

    The filtering of the backstage view “Change Sets” is stored across all models and restored after restart. This includes not only the text filter but also the advanced filter options.

    Bpanda Connector: Risk on Process

    Processes can be exported with their risk. If the stereotype of the process is entered in the application configuration with the purpose “MID.Innovator.BpandaConnector” under the “risk” element in the “reference” element and a risk is assigned to the process, then this is transferred to Bpanda when the process is exported. In Bpanda, you can see the risk on the process in the risk analysis.

    Change Element Type with Filter

    In the “Change Element Type” wizard, there is a text filter for the selection of the create template if more than 10 templates are offered.

    Concept Diagram: Trigger Nesting of Diagram Contents

    In the diagram editor, the “Design>Arrange>Nest Content” command can be used to trigger the nesting of diagram content according to the configuration of the connection representation of concept connections. If nodes are selected, then they are treated as possible containers. Without selection the complete diagram content is treated as selection.

    Creating a Translation File Supports Additional Content

    For creating a translation file you can additionally select the active document or elements relative to the selection. In the first case it is necessary that a document, e.g. a diagram is open. The translations will be generated for the diagram content. In the second case it is necessary that the user selects model elements or diagrams. If a diagram is included in the selection, then the user can select the diagram content as an alternative to the customizable searches.

    Dynamic Concept Diagram: Start Element Context Menu Command

    For appropriately configured concepts, the context menu command “Add to Start Elements” is available in the dynamic concept diagram (Dynamic Viewpoint). According to the path length, the connections of the start element are analyzed and previously not displayed, reachable elements are offered in the header area of the diagram for addition.

    Dynamic Viewpoints Highlight Start Elements

    In dynamic viewpoints, the name of start elements is displayed in bold.

    Eyedropper for Color Pickup

    In the “Design>Model Elements” ribbon group of the diagram, the “Pick Up Color” command extends the coloring of elements. The icon creates a mouse pointer in the form of an eyedropper with which a color value can be picked up within the model editor. This is then available for coloring as the last color used and can be used several times if necessary. Within a diagram, the color of an element can thus be transferred to other elements. The color pickup works in most, but not in all parts of the model editor, especially not in undocked windows.

    Import for ArchiMate®, BPMN and DMN with Application Configurations

    As an alternative to the wizard, import configurations for ArchiMate®, BPMN and DMN can be set and saved in tool windows for application configurations. The command “Configure” to open the tool window and the saved configurations are offered in the drop-down menu “Import/Export>ArchiMate|BPMN|DMN” below the wizard. The import with a saved configuration avoids the long way through the wizard.

    OpenAPI: Default Configurations Based on the UML2 Profile

    In addition to the export, the import of files in the formats OpenAPI 3.0 and Swagger 2 is available.

    To make it easier to get started, there is a configuration for both import and export that is based on the UML2 profile. These two configurations are automatically created by the plug-in as the “Default” user configuration if there are no OpenAPI configurations.

    PDF Export of Diagram Graphics

    In diagrams, commands in the “Import/Export>Export>Graphics File” menu can be used to export the diagram or a section of the diagram in PDF format.

    Show Search Result in Table

    In the “Find” dialog, the result can be displayed not only in the results area but also in a table. The configurations set for “Contents as Table” are used for this.

    UML: Create Slot with Default Value

    When a slot is created, a defining property is always specified. If this defining property has a default value and this value also fits the typing of the property, then this default value is taken as the first slot value.

    Feature Updates

    Bpanda Connector Uses UUID

    Bpanda Connector uses only the UUID for identification to transfer model elements to Bpanda if the “useUuid” element with the value “true” is contained in the application configuration with the purpose “MID.Innovator.BpandaConnector”. The domain identifier is then no longer used. This change means that it can no longer happen that two unequal processes are recognized as equal in Bpanda. This affects the export of processes and process maps. If the processes and process maps in Bpanda were previously imported into Innovator from another tool and then exported to Bpanda, then it is recommended to export the processes and the process maps from Innovator to Bpanda again. This will create new processes in Bpanda. A process which has been modeled in Bpanda and imported into Innovator can only be exported to Bpanda as a new process.

    BPMN: Create Activity Resources via Create Template

    If you change the resource assignment for a task in the “Properties” tool window, the appropriate stereotype of an activity resource is determined for each selected resource and then an activity resource is created with this stereotype and default values. If there is a create template with execution rights for this stereotype, the creation template is used to create the activity resource. The create template can contain defaults for the type of assignment and the type of activity resource, which can then be adopted directly during creation. For process, lane and global task the resource allocation is handled in the same way.

    Concept Diagram: Hierarchical Layout

    In the concept diagram, it is possible to specify for nodes how their child nodes are to be arranged hierarchically (cf. nodes in organization charts). The hierarchical arrangement can be done if nodes have only one parent node. For aggregations and compositions (edges with diamond) or associations (edges without arrowhead), the arrangement takes place from source (diamond, top) to target (bottom).

    For the other relations, the alignment takes place from target (top) to source (bottom). At a node, the alignment of child nodes can be determined by the context menu “Arrange Hierarchically” or by the command “Design>Arrange>Hierarchy” with the options “No Order”, “Horizontal”, “Vertical Left”, or “Vertical Right”. For hierarchical edges, the edge routing cannot be rearranged. Container nodes are not considered.

    Concept Diagram: Name Display for Values of Relationship Stereotype Properties

    In the configuration, the property “extended use …” with the value “as property” can be activated for a relationship stereotype in order to display the relationship stereotype properties in the property and table editors. For the values, the incoming relationships are additionally displayed there in parentheses. If there are multiple elements as source, target or incoming relationship, the enumeration will be sorted alphabetically.

    Simplified example:

    Relationship A -> B

    C has a relationship which has the relationship A -> B as target.

    For A, “B (C)” is then displayed as the value for target and for B, “A (C)” is displayed as the value for source.

    Concept Diagram: Nesting of Diagram Contents when Adding

    If concepts are added as nodes in a dynamic concept diagram, then it is automatically calculated for these nodes whether nesting in another node is possible according to the configuration of the connection representation of concept connections and, if so, performed.

    Contents as a Table for All Stereotypable Elements

    The table editor for content can be opened for all stereotypable elements.

    DB Import: Schema Change in the Absence of a Privilege

    Even without the “Configuring Database Connections” privilege, the user can solely change the schema for a configured database connection and read the data from the database with these settings. Saving the changed schema name is not possible.

    Default Value for Date/Time of Stereotype Properties and Labels

    For stereotype properties and labels, default values can be assigned for the types date, time and date/time. The value must be entered as a string with the format “YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm”. For date you can enter shortened “YYYY-MM-DD” and for time “hh:mm”. The rest is automatically supplemented by “T00:00” or “2000-01-01T” or replaced if entered.

    DMN: Performance Improvement for Export and Simulation

    The performance of the DMN export and especially also of the DMN simulation has been improved. For simulation, the improvement amounts to more than 90% for larger models.

    ER-DB Mapping for BigQuery

    In a BigQuery database model, no keys and foreign keys are created during ER-DB mapping. All columns are given the nullability “null”. In the BigQuery Modeling profile, it is ensured that the features that are not needed are hidden.

    Impact Analysis: Representation of a Relationship as a Target of a Relationship

    Concept connections which another concept connection points to are shown as nodes in the impact analysis. Use the “Impact Analysis” tool window for setting whether the selected behavior for a path is applied if there is a concept connection which points to one of the path’s elements. The behavior is not applied by default.

    Relationship Properties in Tables

    In tables, all relationship properties are displayed, even if the display is not allowed for them at the element on the source or target side or as a property in the dialog.

    Rubber Band with Alt Key Selects Contents of Selected Containers

    With [Alt] key a rubber band also selects the contents of selected containers. The additional [Shift] key extends the selection.

    Bug Fixes

    ArchiMate®: Line Type for Realization

    The linetype for the ArchiMate® concept connection “Realization” is a dotted line, as provided by the specification. To use the linetype for new realizations in a model, the migration profile must be reloaded. Already existing realizations keep the dashed line and can be adjusted in the model with the plug-in “ArchiMate32MigrationHelp” or manually.

    Bpanda Connector Can Also Export Unformatted Descriptions

    A process can be exported to Bpanda even if there is no formatted but an unformatted description text at a risk or control.

    Communication With the License Server in Case of Many Repositories

    In rare constellations, it was possible that a large number of running repositories would cause load peaks on the license server and restrict its availability. This scenario was mitigated by balancing the timing of recurring telegrams and optimizing the performance of the license server, so that the license server is once again available at all times.

    Merging BPMN Diagrams

    BPMN diagrams are adopted when merging model contents even if the owning process is not configured as an allowed owner.

    Tables for Content: Header After Window Refresh

    Actions such as refreshing the window with F5 or switching the role do not hide the header.

    Innovator 15.2 (Innovator

    New Features

    Advanced Search: COLLECT and EXCEPT

    In the advanced search, a COLLECT statement can be used to expand the result set by connected elements. The EXCEPT keyword allows to reduce the result set by the result of a second query.

    Application Configuration Editor

    Model-wide and user-specific application configurations can be displayed and partly also edited in the “Edit Content” dialog. In this way e.g. a configuration which has been created in the wizard for BPMN import can be changed afterwards, or a saved search which cannot be loaded anymore can be repaired. Likewise, the text of a configuration that no longer works can be made available to MID Support in a very simple way. The dialog supports syntax highlighting and folding.

    In the “Administrative Contents” view of the “Model Contents” tool window, there is a context menu command “Edit Content” for application configurations. Editing is always allowed there. Be very careful when making changes, as the configuration could easily be damaged.

    In dialogs that display configurations, there is a “View Content” button. In the dialog “Manage”, which can be opened from the configuration selection list in the ribbon (e.g. in the impact analysis and in the model comparison), there is also this button. In these cases, only viewing the configuration content is allowed to avoid accidental damage. For configurations that could not be loaded, editing is also allowed, then the button is called “Edit Content”. This allows a damaged configuration to be repaired under the guidance of MID Support. For changes to application configurations, the “Edit model-wide Configuration” privilege is required.

    ArchiMate®: Automatic Arranging in the Dynamic Concept Diagram

    You can arrange the elements in a Dynamic Concept Diagram by selecting a layout under “Design>Arrange>Default Layout”.

    • Circle: The nodes are arranged so that nodes with many edges are in the center of the diagram and the other nodes are arranged around them. The directions of the edges are not relevant for the arrangement.
    • Layer: The nodes are arranged in layers according to their stereotype and to the layers configured on the diagram in the model configuration. All nodes of a layer are arranged next to each other in a layer. The layers themselves are arranged in the order of the layers among themselves.
    • Tree: The nodes are arranged according to their incoming and outgoing edges, so that the node of the source of the edge is above the node of the destination of the edge.

    ArchiMate®: Dynamic Viewpoints

    Dynamic viewpoints are dynamic concept diagrams that focus on specific detailed aspects of the overall architecture. They facilitate the creation and updating of viewpoints based on one or more start or context elements and the existing relationships configured for the concrete dynamic viewpoint. Different diagram types can be selected.

    The diagram type “Dynamic concept diagram” is a specialization of the concept diagram. Its functional range is completely available to the dynamic concept diagram. The dynamic diagram has the additional start element and path length properties.

    The completeness of the potentially relevant elements and the correspondence with the current path length can be displayed and ensured. The information about currently not displayed nodes and nodes not matching the current path length can be switched on via “Design>Display>Context”. The adjustments that can be made are displayed in the header of the diagram. Nodes that are superfluous from the path length point of view are marked with a smart icon in the diagram.

    The completeness is calculated starting from the set start element up to the currently defined path length. If a calculated element is not yet present in the diagram, then it can be added via a dialog. Diagram contents outside the path length can be removed via a dialog.

    ArchiMate®: Concept Connections

    In the configuration it is possible to define for an ArchiMate® relationship besides owners and targets between which element pairs it is allowed to run concretely. That makes the creation of relationships in ArchiMate® diagrams a lot easier. In the configuration editor, in the “Relationships” view for concept connections, their owners and targets can be defined. In the “Properties” dialog there is the tab “Relationship Combination” for these permitted meta-relationships, on which the permitted stereotypes of the other side of the connection are listed.

    If you select a certain target for a concept connection from the owner’s point of view, then in the opposite direction from the target’s point of view the owner is also selected. In the diagram, concept connections can only be created between elements where either no restriction has been made for owner and target or the involved elements have been defined as a permissible pair. In the ArchiMate® profiles, the concept connections have been configured according to the specification.

    ArchiMate®: Display Relationships by Nesting

    In ArchiMate® diagrams, nodes can be displayed nested within each other. The nesting expresses a relationship between the container and the content. The configuration of the diagram content can be used to define which relationship is to be represented by nesting and whether this relationship runs from the container to the content or from the content to the container.

    If one moves a node in the diagram into another node, then it is checked whether there is or could be a relationship between the two nodes, which can represent this nesting. If necessary, a dialog can be used to select the appropriate relationship to create or add from several possible relationships. The relationship edge is automatically hidden by moving the node into the connected container. If the node is moved out of the container again, the relationship edge is automatically displayed again.

    ArchiMate® Profiles Revised

    The colors as well as the representation of the diagram nodes have been adapted to the upcoming version 3.2 of the OpenGroup standard. The possible relations between elements have been limited to the allowed elements in pairs based on the new configuration options. Thus, for example, a specialization can only be drawn on an element of the same or a specialized type. This makes the selection with the relationship wizard (magic wand) much more precise. In addition, it is no longer possible to accidentally create relationships that have a prescribed direction in the wrong direction.

    Optional arrowheads for the reading direction for access and association are no longer set in the properties area, but by create templates. The container representation for motivation elements is an octagon. To use this new configuration, it is necessary to reload the migration profile “Migration Enterprise Modeling Standard.aob”.

    BPMN: Events Indicate Predecessor/Successor Processes

    For events, the display of predecessor and successor processes can be configured via display options. The evaluation takes place depending on the event type via the assigned event definitions. For the start event and the intermediate catch event, the end event and the intermediate throw event are regarded as predecessors or, in the opposite direction, as successors. Their processes are then displayed. The own process is excluded from this.

    The display of predecessor and successor processes is already prepared in the BPMN standard profiles and can be activated via a display option.

    BPMN: Filtering Process Table

    In the process table, the table content can be restricted with regard to the displayed element types via the “Filter Content” dialog. In addition, the order of the element types in the table can be defined.

    DB Import: Comparison Shows 'Set Default Value' Property

    In the “DB Manager” editor, when comparing with the model data for table columns, the “Set default value” property and its values are also displayed.

    DB Manager: Comparison of Comments in Views and View Columns

    In DB Manager, model comparison also shows different comments in views and view columns.

    DB Support: Virtual Columns in Oracle 11g

    For Oracle the import and export of virtual columns in the DDL is supported. Prerequisite is the loading of the Oracle migration profiles. During import, table columns with the stereotype «computedColumn» are created. By setting the type system options “GENERATED ALWAYS” and “VIRTUAL” the different syntax variants can be created during export:

    <colname> [<type>] [GENERATED ALWAYS] AS (<Ausdruck>) [VIRTUAL]

    DDL Generation: Feature 'is read-only' for Oracle Views

    If the property “is Read-Only” is set for an Oracle database view, then the CREATE statement is completed with “WITH READ ONLY”.

    Details with Additional Icons

    In the Details Configuration, you can set your own icons for model element enumeration chapters and additional outline chapters. These icons are displayed in the Details tool window in front of the name of the respective chapter.

    Display Options: Exclusion of Individual Stereotypes as Callout

    Dependencies can be evaluated and displayed in diagrams via callout nodes. Only those dependencies are evaluated for which a rule is configured in the display options. In most cases, all dependencies should be displayed in the same way, which is why a *-rule is sufficient for the display.

    If you want to exclude an element type (e.g. the create default) from this display, then you can select the respective stereotype as “Model Element Stereotype” in the rules for “Client of Dependency” and “Dependent Elements” respectively and create and activate the display option “Do Not Show In Callout” in it. This prevents the display of this element type.

    Documentation Supports Negated Filters

    In documentation chapters, the filter expression can also be negated. This allows you to filter all elements that do not satisfy the expression. The filter expression must start with an exclamation mark for this purpose.

    ER-DB Mapping: Mapping Supports Default Values

    Default values are mapped using type classes configured in the type system. If the types of the ER attribute and the DB table column are assigned to a type class with the same name, then the default value is mapped in the same position according to the values configured there for the input help. Otherwise, the value is taken over 1:1.

    Event has Property Event Definition Type

    The element type “Event” has the property “Event Definition Type”. This property can be used to store the event definition type even without an assigned event definition. This is advantageous, for example, if you only want to indicate that a message is expected without having to specify the exact message.

    If an event definition is assigned to the event, then its event definition type is displayed and changed. If multiple event definitions are assigned, then a distinction can be made between “Sequential Multiple” and “Parallel Multiple”. The separate properties “is multiple” and “is multiple parallel” are omitted.

    Excel Export and Import Support Elements without Stereotype

    You can also export model elements from Innovator to Excel that do not have a stereotype. The following element types can also be imported: lane resource assignment, package import, element import.

    Export of Model Elements to JSON, CSV and XML Formats

    For the formats previously managed by the Excel export for exporting any model elements and their visible properties, two separate split buttons are available in the “Import/Export” menu ribbon: “Excel” for the tabular formats Excel 2007 (.xlsx) and CSV, and “Structured” for the structured formats JSON and XML.

    Hierarchical Diagram View

    In the “Diagrams” view of the “Model Content” tool window there are two buttons in the title bar that can be used to switch between the familiar view sorted by types and a hierarchical view that shows the diagrams as leaves at their position in the reduced model structure.

    Hyperlinks in the Details Window

    From the “Details” tool window, hyperlinks can be jumped to via the context menu if a node of, for example, a stereotype property or heading shows a valid hyperlink in its name.

    Make Application Configurations of External Plug-ins Known

    A plug-in which uses an application configuration can log in via a service so that the application configuration can be maintained in Innovator. This includes displaying it in the Model Contents with icon (“Administrative Content” tool window view), editing it with the dialog for the content of the application configuration and receiving a message when the content of the application configuration has changed. For more information, see the “Using Application Configurations ” help chapter.

    Verification Wizard Can Use Saved Queries

    The user can select a saved query as the scope of the model part to be verified in the Model Verification Wizard. In this case, the result of the saved query is verified.

    Verify Option for Restricted Concept Connections

    For concept connections, the combination of source and target can be restricted. The new verify option “Combination of source and target stereotypes of the relationship is not permitted according to the current configuration. [VFY569]” can be used to detect violations of these restrictions.

    Verify Options for Diagrams

    The following verify option is supported for Business Resources Diagrams:

    • Element ‘Name’ is not valid as content of diagram ‘Name’. [VFY257]

    The following verify options are supported for Concept Diagrams and Dynamic Concept Diagrams:

    • Element ‘Name’ is not valid as content of diagram ‘Name’. [VFY257]
    • Node ‘Name’ is isolated. [VFY274]

    Concept Diagrams appear as ArchiMate® Diagrams and Process Maps. The Dynamic Concept Diagrams introduced in this release appear as Dynamic Viewpoints. Both types can also be used generically.

    Version Marking of Profiles

    A version name can be specified as a property for each profile. A checksum is calculated from the contents of the profile and stored with the profile. When a profile is unlocked, the checksum, which may have been changed, is saved. This change is logged as a time and via a counter and displayed in the “Properties” dialog together with the version name below the profile name.

    During migration, the checksum is initially calculated for each profile and the last time the profile was changed is used as the time.

    Feature Updates

    .NET 5

    The Innovator client runs under Microsoft .NET 5.

    Agent and Hub on INOEXE

    The Java applications InoAgent and InoHub are installed on the $INOEXE directory.

    Align Models: Recursive Root Elements Better Recognizable

    In the selection area of the “Align Models” editor, the toggle command for the subelements of root elements shows two easily distinguishable icons. This makes it easy to see the current setting even in selected lines.

    Align Models: Selection Area Revised

    In the “Align Models” editor, the commands for selecting root elements, searches and changesets have been moved from the “Selection” area to the “Align Models>Selection” ribbon group. The labeling and tooltips of the commands make them easier to understand.

    Bpanda Connector Supports Several Persons in Charge and Deputies

    Several persons in charge and covers can be specified for an organizational unit. These can be transferred to Bpanda via the Bpanda Connector with the organizational structure. To do this, the electronic address must be set on the responsible or cover person so that it corresponds to that of a user in the Bpanda process space.

    BPMN Diagram: Creating Data Store References

    When creating a data object with the data object type Datastore Reference, several datastores can be selected in the namespace dialog. The specification of at least one datastore is mandatory. If more than one data store is selected, then several nodes of data objects are created among each other.

    BPMN Export Ignores Process in Collapsed Participant

    When exporting a collapsed participant, the referenced process is not exported. The defining diagram of the collaboration is decisive for the state of the participant.

    BPMN: No Display of Default Values of Event and Event Definition

    For event and event definition, with the display option “Do Not Display Defaults” activated, it is possible to specify that for “composed names” the name is only displayed if it was explicitly assigned. Names assigned automatically during creation are not displayed.

    BPMN: Uniform Resource Allocation

    Resources can be assigned uniformly to processes, global tasks, tasks, sub-processes and lanes. The connection elements are correspondingly process resource, global task resource, activity resource or lane resource. In addition to the type of assignment, a cost center can also be defined for the connection element. In the configuration, the connection element must be permitted as an assigned element for the respective BPMN element. The referenced resource is again defined at the connection element.

    The use of resources is adapted for lane and process resources to the previous procedure for global task and activity resources. This means that multiple resources can also be used for processes. In the whiteboard, the connections to the resources can be shown as edges and also be created if configured accordingly.

    Business Resources Diagram: Display Options for Person Assignment

    For the “Person Assignment” relationship, the “Role” property can be used to distinguish between “responsible” and “deputy”. The role can be displayed both as a icon property and as a component of the display name and it is also used for the display as “Name only”.

    Business Resources Diagram: Several Persons as 'In Charge' or 'Cover' of an Organizational Unit

    Several persons can be assigned to an organizational unit via the “In Charge” or “Cover” properties. However, a person can only act as either the person responsible or the cover. The corresponding assignments can also be created as edges in the resource diagram.

    Concept Diagram Supports Standalone Junction Points

    In the concept diagram, concepts and junction points are supported as separate element types. The previously supported junction points as a subset of the concepts are transferred to the element type as part of the migration. In the process, all necessary stereotypes, stereotype properties, labels and texts are also copied.

    Junction points represent the interruption of a direct concept connection between two concepts. This implies that the incoming and outgoing concept connections must have the same element type/stereotype. In addition, the concepts involved must also be allowed as a direct combination of a concept connection. Junction points must not be directly connected to another junction point. Because some of these rules did not have to be followed so far, there are a number of new verify options to be able to detect these situations.

    Concept Diagram: Container Representation

    For the stereotypes «––­­device», «––­­equipment», «––­­facility» and «­––­plateau» the container representation is done as a cuboid. Alternatively, the ArchiMate® 3.2 representation can be used. For more details, please refer to the Migration Manual.

    Demo Models with Change Logging

    In the demo models delivered with Innovator, change logging is initially activated.

    Description of Duplicate Commands Revised

    The “Duplicate” command has been renamed to “Duplicate hierarchy”. The tooltips for “Duplicate hierarchy” and “Duplicate node” have been revised.

    Diagrams: Layout for Label Nodes

    Label nodes for node or edge names can be enlarged in any direction, e.g. to maintain the layout for different display languages. Label texts can be aligned horizontally and vertically as desired (9 possibilities). Text alignment can be changed using the mini toolbar in the context menu or by [Ctrl]+double-clicking on a handle. The set text alignment is visible on the dark handle. With horizontally and vertically centered alignment no dark handle appears. The resizing occurs in both directions (left and right or top and bottom) with centered text alignment.

    DMN: Performance Improvement for Export and Simulation

    The performance of the DMN export and thus also of the DMN simulation has been improved. For larger models, the improvement accounts to more than 50%.

    Find: Error Handling for User-Specific Searches Improved

    Error handling for user-specific searches has been greatly improved, especially in the cross-model context.

    Find: Filter for Name Search Revised

    In the “Find” dialog, in the “Find Name” tab, the content of the “Filter” selection list has been revised.

    Global Task Supports More Task Types

    For Global Tasks, Send, Receive and Service are supported as additional types. A message can be assigned to the types Send and Receive. Analogous to the behavior for a Task, the available Task types are also restricted for the Global Task if a message or a mask definition is assigned. The set Task type is changed to a valid value by the assignment if necessary. If necessary, the name of the Global Task is automatically adapted by the assignment of message, mask definition or decision and, if necessary, also maintained.

    Interface Change in the Java API

    For Java API commands that transfer large amounts of data between client and server, the parameter type “byte[]” has been changed to “Path”. The data is no longer kept completely in the main memory, but is provided in a temporary file. This file must be explicitly deleted by the user of the Java API when it is no longer required. This can be done according to the following pattern, for example:

    try {
      path = adModel.getVersionFile(K_INSTPURPOSE.Version, true);
    finally {

    Java 17

    The minimum requirement for Java is raised from version 11 to version 17. Innovator is delivered and installed for Windows with its own OpenJDK runtime environment of version 17. No further Java runtime environments need to be installed on the server or client to use Innovator.

    Migration: Swapped Naming for Requirement Properties

    In the “Requirements” profile, the «Anforderung» («requirement») stereotype with four stereotype properties is defined for the “Requirement” element type. For these four stereotype properties, the name is taken as the English translation if this translation does not already exist. The two stereotype properties “Urgency” and “Importance” are translated as “Dringlichkeit” and “Wichtigkeit” in the German translation. The translation has been incorrectly cross-translated and will be corrected as part of the model transformation.

    You can expect the values to be set to match the German translation in models with the modeling language German. The values are also mixed up to fall in line with the translation when transformation is carried out. You can expect the values in models with the modeling language English to be set in accordance with the English name. In the context of the transformation, no adjustment of the values takes place for these models.

    Naming Frame Title

    A selected frame can be named and renamed with F2.

    Relationship Properties in Tables

    Tables for classes or entities, process tables and tables for content additionally display relationship properties as columns.

    Renaming of Data Objects

    For a data object, the name of the business object or, in the case of a datastore reference, the name of the datastore can be displayed in the diagram. If in these two cases the own name is not visible in the diagram, then the name of the business object or the data store is changed when renaming (F2). This means that the visible name changes and not, as before, the invisible name of the data object or the data store reference.

    Standard Layout: Conditions on Sequence Flows

    The condition of a sequence flow is positioned closer to the source node in the default layout to make it easier for the user to read the diagram.

    System Requirements Linux Changed

    Innovator servers (64 bit) can be operated under Linux on the following PC configurations:

    • PC from 3 GHz with openSUSE 15.0 or higher
    • PC from 3 GHz with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 or higher

    Version Display Including Build Number

    In order to be able to determine the used program version exactly, the build number (e.g. is also specified at certain points in addition to the version number. The specification of the build number appears in the log files of the license, repository and model servers as well as in the administration program in the model server list, in the client list and when selecting license servers, model servers, agents or running managed models.

    Bug Fixes

    BPMN Export Supports Translation of Local Condition

    The BPMN export exports the local condition including translation for a sequence flow, so that they are displayed in Bpanda in the Guide.

    Display of Access Rights and Lock State

    Missing access rights and locks for model elements are indicated by icon overlays. These icon keys for access control are displayed correctly. In multi-user mode, this information was sometimes displayed incorrectly if no change was made in the model over a longer period of time and thus the temporarily stored information did not have to be recalculated.

    Evaluation of Allowed Meta-Relationships with Concrete Stereotypes

    Allowed meta relationships can be configured with concrete and abstract stereotypes. Elements can only be created with concrete stereotypes. The evaluation of the allowed meta-relationships is restricted to the concrete stereotypes.

    Merging Model Contents

    When merging model contents, only translations of these contents and no translations of the used stereotype properties are transferred. The translations of the used stereotype properties prevented in unfavorable cases the transfer of the data with an error message.

    Role Switch Without Saving File Attachments

    For file attachments that are in edit, no prompt to save appears when the role is switched because the access rights are unaffected.