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    Innovator 15.1 Release Notes

    September 15, 2021


    You can find all detailed information about the September 15, 2021 Innovator 15.1 release and all Innovator 15.1 hotfixes here.

    Versionsnummer Produktbezeichnung Datum
    Version Innovator 15.1.1 Hotfix November 20, 2023
    Version Innovator 15.1.1 Hotfix August 19, 2022
    Version Innovator 15.1.1 Hotfix June 9, 2022
    Version Innovator 15.1.1 Hotfix March 8, 2022
    Version Innovator 15.1.1 Hotfix January 25, 2022
    Version Innovator 15.1.1 Hotfix December 20, 2021
    Version Innovator 15.1.1 Hotfix October 27, 2021
    Version Innovator 15.1 Release September 17, 2021

    Notes on Version Consistency:

    Please note that we highly recommend having the same versions for both model server and clients when updating your Innovator installations to ensure reliable operation of Innovator. It is mandatory that both the model server and clients have the same release number (XX.X.X). The hotfix is compatible with the 15.1.1.XXXXX previous versions. Repositories which have been updated through transformation or start with the current server can no longer be used in older program versions.

    Notes on API Documentation:

    The API changes are continuously documented in the online help.


    The hotfix fixes the Java vulnerabilities CVE-2022-1471 and CVE-2022-42889 (NVD).

    New Features

    Database Views: Select-DDL for Snowflake Extended

    The on-demand template for “Information Architect for Snowflake” contains the type system options DUPLICATES (with the values ‘-‘ , ALL, DISTINCT) and TOP (Integer) for the Select-DDL of database views.

    Database Views Support Lateral Join

    In a Snowflake model, a lateral join is modeled by creating a From clause with the same target as the predecessor From clause. The expression of the From clause then starts with the keyword LATERAL.

    Impact Analysis: Edges into the Result Region

    The edges of an opened impact analysis can be added to the result region using the context menu command “Result Region>Add All Graph Edges”. The model elements represented by the edges appear in the result region. For edges representing a property, nothing is added to the result region.

    PowerShell: New HostName Property for Managed Models

    For managed models, the HostName property is provided. It contains the host on which the model is running. It is empty if the model is not started.

    Feature Updates

    DB Import: Import Foreign Key via SQLStatement (SAP Hana)

    SAP Hana does not provide foreign keys via standard JDBC. The query of the foreign keys can be performed via an SQL statement.

    DDL View Import: View Expressions without Hyperlinks

    When importing database views, the expressions are taken over as text if a target element was not found in the model. Tracing by hyperlinks is thus not possible for these elements, but the expression is complete.

    Support for Cloud Databases

    Cloud databases such as BigQuery and Databricks allow structures (STRUCT or MAP) as data types for table columns. In the corresponding on-demand templates, this is achieved by linking a table with special stereotype to the column via a usage relationship. For modeling in ER with mapping to DB this is configured analogously in the ‘Entity/Relationship Modeling ORDBMS Addon’ profile. To use it, the ‘Entity/Relationship Modeling Customization’ profile must import this add-on profile instead of ‘Entity/Relationship Modeling’.

    Bug Fixes

    Java Security Vulnerability CVE-2022-1471 (NVD) Fixed

    The Java security vulnerability CVE-2022-1471 has been fixed.

    Java Security Vulnerability CVE-2022-42889 (NVD) Fixed

    The Java security vulnerability CVE-2022-42889 has been fixed.

    Bookmarks Work Even With Role-Dependent Read Permissions

    Bookmarks also work when using multiple roles with mutually exclusive read permissions.

    BPMN Export: Texts of Call Activity

    When exporting a call activity to BPMN XML or to Bpanda, only the texts of the call activity and not the texts of the called process are exported.

    DDL Import Recognizes Outer Join Syntax Variants

    The import of a DDL file recognizes all outer joins in a database view even without the optional keyword OUTER.

    DDL Import Supports Comment for Table Column

    When importing a database table from a DDL, the comment for a table column is also supported if it is set within the row. Example: CREATE TABLE table_name (column_name DATE COMMENT ‘column comment’).

    Declaration for Association Roles

    If the type of an attribute is changed via the “Edit Declaration” dialog, then it is ensured that the selected type is also permissible. If the attribute is an association role, then all the verifications that are also performed when the association role is reconnected to another classifier are performed as well.

    Merge Diagram Contents without Model Element

    In diagrams, most diagram contents require a model element. An exception to this is, for example, the frame. If the necessary model elements are to be deleted when merging models for the diagram contents, then this is rejected with an error message. Inconsistency of the model is thus prevented.

    PowerShell Command Retrieves Managed Models Correctly

    The PowerShell command “Get-InnoManagedModelVersion” retrieves model versions correctly when multiple InoAgent instances operate on a common INOPRJ.

    Whiteboard Diagram: Display of Edges

    Edges between contents of different diagrams can be displayed in the whiteboard diagram. If there are relationships between contents of collapsed compartments in these diagrams, these edges are automatically hidden in the whiteboard diagram.

    Whiteboard Diagrams: SVG Export

    With SVG export of whiteboard diagrams all contained nodes are displayed.


    The hotfix corrects the merging of BPMN diagrams and the header of the content table.

    New Features

    Database Import from Databricks

    When using the on-demand template for Databricks, a Databricks database can be imported using JDBC driver. The supplied driver file $INODIR\java\InoJDBC\lib\SparkJDBC42.jar contains the driver named com.simba.spark.jdbc.Driver.

    OpenAPI: Default Configurations Based on the UML2 Profile

    In addition to the export, the import of files in the formats OpenAPI 3.0 and Swagger 2 is available. To make it easier to get started, there is a configuration for both import and export that is based on the UML2 profile. These two configurations are automatically created by the plug-in as the “Default” user configuration if there are no OpenAPI configurations.

    Feature Updates

    Bpanda Connector Uses UUID

    Bpanda Connector uses only the UUID for identification to transfer model elements to Bpanda if the “useUuid” element with the value “true” is contained in the application configuration with the purpose “MID.Innovator.BpandaConnector”. The domain identifier is then no longer used. This change means that it can no longer happen that two unequal processes are recognized as equal in Bpanda. This affects the export of processes and process maps.

    If the processes and process maps in Bpanda were previously imported into Innovator from another tool and then exported to Bpanda, then it is recommended to export the processes and the process maps from Innovator to Bpanda again. This will create new processes in Bpanda. A process which has been modeled in Bpanda and imported into Innovator can only be exported to Bpanda as a new process.

    ER-DB Mapping for BigQuery

    In a BigQuery database model, no keys and foreign keys are created during ER-DB mapping. All columns are given the nullability “null”. In the BigQuery Modeling profile, it is ensured that the features that are not needed are hidden.

    Bug Fixes

    Bpanda Connector Can Also Export Unformatted Descriptions

    A process can be exported to Bpanda even if there is no formatted but an unformatted description text at a risk or control.

    Merging BPMN Diagrams

    BPMN diagrams are adopted when merging model contents even if the owning process is not configured as an allowed owner.

    Tables for Content: Header After Window Refresh

    Actions such as refreshing the window with F5 or switching the role do not hide the header.


    The hotfix improves the communication of the license server to be always available even if there are many repositories.

    New Features

    ArchiMate®: Attribute 'isDirected' for Associations

    When importing ArchiMate® 3.1 files, the attribute “isDirected” is taken into account for associations. In the diagram then the half arrowhead can be seen at the target side. When exporting for ArchiMate® 3.1 the attribute is created.

    ArchiMate® Import: Documentation From Model is Taken Over

    In the Model Exchange File Format of ArchiMate® the model (model) can have a description (documentation), if a complete model has been exported in the exporting application. If this description is present, it is transferred to the specification text “Description” of the model root.

    Backstage View 'Change Sets': Filtering is Stored

    The filtering of the backstage view “Change Sets” is stored across all models and restored after restart. This includes not only the text filter but also the advanced filter options.

    Bpanda Connector Can Export Risks

    When exporting a process to Bpanda, the risks and their controls associated with the tasks of the process are also exported. For this, it is necessary that the “risk” section is configured in the application configuration with the purpose “MID.Innovator.BpandaConnector”. Editing this application configuration requires detailed knowledge of the model configuration.

    The name, description, possible effects, and storage location of the proof are transferred with translations. The description is exported without formatting. In the application configuration, it is possible to restrict which stereotype or element type a risk, a control, a task, a user, an organizational unit, a group, or a role has.

    In addition, the following can be specified:

    • how the risk is associated with a task
    • how the identifying and responsible resource and the controls are associated with a risk
    • how the responsible resource is associated with a control
    • which risk property is the name, the description, the potential impact, the risk category, the assessment date, the next assessment date, the probability of occurrence, or the impact
    • which control property is the name, the description, the evidence storage location, the assessment frequency, the control frequency, the control type, or the control mechanism

    Bpanda Connector Transfers Relationships from Organizational Units to Roles

    The Bpanda Connector transfers the relationships of organizational units to roles when exporting the organizational structure. By default, the roles linked to an organizational unit via role requirements are transferred to Bpanda. Using the application configuration with the purpose “MID.Innovator.BpandaConnector”, the relationships for how to navigate from the organizational unit to the roles can be defined in the element “org>orgUnitRole”.

    For example, with the following configuration, the concepts of the stereotype “orgUnitRole”, which are linked via an outgoing concept connection, are found as such roles.

    "orgUnitRole": {
      "relationships": [
          "filterType": {
            "stereotype": "orgUnitRole",
            "type": null
          "next": {
            "filterType": null,
            "next": null,
            "view": "Target"
          "view": "OutgoingConnection"

    Bpanda Connector Transfers Responsibilities

    When exporting a process to Bpanda, the responsible persons, contributors and other responsibilities referenced at the process are transferred. For this purpose, it must be configured in the application configuration how these resources are linked to the process.

    WSDL, XSD, BPEL Export: Order of Elements

    For WSDL, XSD or BPEL export, it is possible to optionally specify that the sequence of elements of the same type is sorted alphabetically. This makes it easier to compare files that have been exported at different times.

    Feature Updates

    BPMN Export Ignores Process in Collapsed Participant

    When exporting a collapsed participant, the referenced process is not exported. The defining diagram of the collaboration is decisive for the state of the participant.

    DMN: Performance Improvement for Export and Simulation

    The performance of the DMN export and thus also of the DMN simulation has been improved. For larger models, the improvement accounts to more than 50%.

    Renaming of Data Objects

    For a data object, the name of the business object or, in the case of a datastore reference, the name of the datastore can be displayed in the diagram. If in these two cases the own name is not visible in the diagram, then the name of the business object or the data store is changed when renaming (F2). This means that the visible name changes and not, as before, the invisible name of the data object or the data store reference.

    Bug Fixes

    Bpanda Connector Transfers Stereotype Properties with Localized Names

    The Bpanda Connector transfers the stereotype properties of a process to Bpanda even if a localized name is set.

    BPMN Export Supports Translation of Local Condition

    The BPMN export exports the local condition including translation for a sequence flow, so that they are displayed in Bpanda in the Guide.

    Communication With the License Server in Case of Many Repositories

    In rare constellations, it was possible that a large number of running repositories would cause load peaks on the license server and restrict its availability. This scenario was mitigated by balancing the timing of recurring telegrams and optimizing the performance of the license server, so that the license server is once again available at all times.

    Display of Access Rights and Lock State

    Missing access rights and locks for model elements are indicated by icon overlays. These icon keys for access control are displayed correctly. In multi-user mode, this information was sometimes displayed incorrectly if no change was made in the model over a longer period of time and thus the temporarily stored information did not have to be recalculated.

    Evaluation of Allowed Meta-Relationships with Concrete Stereotypes

    Allowed meta relationships can be configured with concrete and abstract stereotypes. Elements can only be created with concrete stereotypes. The evaluation of the allowed meta-relationships is restricted to the concrete stereotypes.

    Export of a Lane to BPMN

    When exporting to BPMN, a lane without its own name receives the comma-separated names of the linked resources. For a lane with its own name, the own name is supplemented by a colon and the comma-separated names of the linked resources.

    Merging Model Contents

    When merging model contents, only translations of these contents and no translations of the used stereotype properties are transferred. The translations of the used stereotype properties prevented in unfavorable cases the transfer of the data with an error message.

    Source Code Import Accepts En Dash

    The source code import can import a Java file even if the comment contains an “En Dash” (Unicode character U+2013, HTML entity –).

    Source Code Import Supports Classes Without Package

    Classes, interfaces, or enumeration types can be imported with the source code even if no package is specified in the Java file. Please note that in this case the class or interface is created directly in the package selected by the user in the wizard and the model configuration must allow this. Accordingly, the existing classifiers in the selected package are also deleted before the import.

    Source Code Import Supports UTF-8

    The import of source code files can import Java files in ANSI and UTF-8 encoding. This is true even if the byte order mark (BOM) is not set for UTF-8.


    The hotfix allows a managed model to be created from a model in a standalone model server started as a service even after a computer restart, and uses Java logging instead of Log4j for Java verifications and DDL generation.

    New Features

    ER Model: Model BigQuery STRUCT

    Templates and add-ons are available to supporting BigQuery. These contain a profile “Entity/Relationship Modeling BigQuery Addon”. This allows structure types to be modeled already in the conceptual model and used by attributes, analogous to the «struct» tables in the BigQuery database model. After loading the add-on, make sure that the “Entity/Relationship Modeling Customization” profile imports this new profile.

    To use a complex data type on an attribute or table column, you can alternatively fill in the “DDL-Struct” property. Use the property’s input help, which contains examples of the syntax as it is generated when reading from BigQuery.

    Feature Updates

    BPMN Import Sets Event Definition Name

    When importing BPMN files from Innovator, the names of event and event definition are set as in the model from which it was exported. When importing a BPMN file from another source, if an event definition is created by the import, then it is given the name of the event. If the option “Rename event definition to event” is set, then the name at the event is deleted when an event definition is created by the import.

    Log4j in Innovator

    Due to security vulnerabilities in Log4j, only version 2.17.1 is used. Java Logging is used instead of Log4j for Java verifications and DDL generation.

    Name Event Definition Only

    When importing processes from BPMN file or via Bpanda Connector, the user can specify with the option “Name event definition only” that the imported events with event definition are not named. A newly created event definition gets the name of the event in any case.

    Window Title Displays Model Version

    The output of Java actions displays the name of the model version in the window title for managed models.

    Bug Fixes

    DMN: Context Entries are Exported in Sorted Order

    Context entries are exported sorted, as shown in the model, and not by creation time.

    DMN: IntelliSense Provides Only Predecessors in Context Entries

    In a context, context entries are stored as sorted list. Within a context entry, only the variables of the predecessors are offered for selection for IntelliSense. The erroneously offered variables of the own context entry and all successors are omitted.

    Flow Effect of Gateways when Deleting a Flow Element

    The flow effect of a gateway is calculated depending on the number of incoming and outgoing sequence flows when the “Innovator determines direction” property is activated. Each change of these sequence flows leads to a new calculation. When deleting a node on an incoming sequence flow, the flow effect is not changed.

    Installation With Common Workgroup Directory

    The MSI installer with the “Common workgroup directory” option does not install or uninstall any content on this directory.

    Text Markups for Model References

    If hyperlinks to model elements in specification texts are formatted in bold or italics, then this formatting is retained after saving and reloading. This formatting always applies to the entire text of the hyperlink.

    Place Under Version Management

    Creating a managed model from a model in a standalone model server started as a service is successfully executed without the “No agent running on …” error message even after a computer restart.


    The hotfix updates to Log4j version 2.17.1 and includes further improvements.

    New Features

    Bpanda Connector: Formatted Description Texts for Process Maps

    Description texts of the process maps and their translations are transferred formatted to Bpanda.

    Bpanda Connector: Language Support for Organizational Structure

    With the organizational structure, the translations entered in Innovator to organizational units and roles for the name or description are transferred to Bpanda.

    Create Process Manual

    A process manual can be created or updated at a BPMN process based on a documentation command and the process details referenced therein. The configured process manuals and the loading and saving of the associated model-wide application configuration are offered in the “Extras>Update Process Manual” ribbon group. The “Edit model-wide Configuration” privilege is required for loading and saving.

    The commands for the process manuals are executable if a BPMN process or a concept that has a concept realization to a BPMN process is selected. The created process manual has the name of the documentation command as file name and is attached to the process and replaces the possibly existing process manual.

    Documentation: Additional Chapters for Participants Nodes

    For the “Collaboration View Node”, new documentation chapters are available with “Closed Participant Nodes” and “Opened Participant Nodes”.

    Feature Updates

    Log4j Security Vulnerability

    All occurrences of log4j in insecure versions 2.x have been migrated to version 2.17.1. The already non-critical uses in InoHub and InoAgent were also updated to 2.17.1 in the process. Due to the version swap (and the resulting different library name), class paths in engineering actions need to be adjusted – this is done automatically for all engineering actions configured in the model when the model server is first started.

    Please note: The repository can then no longer be started with an older server version.

    ATTENTION: If a log4j library in version 2.x < 2.17.1 is still included via the mechanism of the inojvm.ini, it is mandatory to change this, otherwise the security vulnerability still exists!

    Specification Texts: Hyperlinks to E-Mail Addresses

    In hyperlinks in specification texts, the mailto protocol can be used to specify an e-mail address so that when the hyperlink is clicked, the e-mail client opens with the specified address.

    Table Editors for Content and for Process Elements: Column Order

    In contents as table and process tables, you can change the column order using drag-and-drop. A user-defined order can be undone via the context menu command “Reset Column Order”.

    Bug Fixes

    Administration Program: Missing Icons

    Missing icons do not cause the termination of the administration program.

    BPMN: Order of Lanes

    The order of lanes always results from the representation in the definition diagram of the process. When creating a new lane, the order is corrected beforehand if necessary. If the lane is created via API, the coordinates of the nodes are preset appropriately.

    Excel Import Shows Correct Syntax

    When importing an Excel file, the program checks whether the create template can be uniquely determined for a model element to be created. If there are several create templates, then a warning message is issued with the identifiers of the suitable create templates. The user can enter one of the specified identifiers in the Excel file to specify the desired create template.


    The hotfix solves the log4j problem.

    New Features

    Bpanda Connector: Export of the Organizational Structure from Concepts

    The Bpanda Connector can be configured to transfer an organizational structure consisting of concepts and concept links to Bpanda. To do this, an element “org” must be included in the application configuration with the purpose MID.Innovator.BpandaConnector.

    Feature Updates

    Log4j Security Vulnerability

    All occurrences of log4j in insecure versions 2.x have been migrated to version 2.16. The already non-critical uses in InoHub and InoAgent were also updated to 2.16 in the process. Due to the version swap (and the resulting different library name), class paths in engineering actions need to be adjusted – this is done automatically for all engineering actions configured in the model when the model server is first started.

    Please note: The repository can then no longer be started with an older server version.

    ATTENTION: If a log4j library in version 2.x < 2.16 is still included via the mechanism of the inojvm.ini, it is mandatory to change this, otherwise the security vulnerability still exists!

    Bug Fixes

    ArchiMate® Import: Empty XML Element<documentation / >

    An empty XML element <documentation / > in a file of the “ArchiMate® Exchange File Format” does not cause the ArchiMate® import to abort.

    Bpanda Connector: Export of Multiple Processes

    Multiple processes can also be exported from Innovator to Bpanda if a process is included in another diagram that contains a process that has not been selected.

    Bpanda Connector: Organizational Units and Roles of a Lane

    When exporting a process from Innovator to Bpanda in the Bpanda Connector, the relationships of a lane with organizational units and roles are transferred to Bpanda. In order for the relationships to be visible in Bpanda, the organizational units and roles must be transferred as part of the organizational structure. This also applies if they are modeled as a concept in Innovator.

    Bpanda Connector: Risk Is Exported Even Without Assessment

    A risk is exported to Bpanda even if it has no rating and the values for the incidence rate and for the impact of the risk comply with the default value.

    BPMN Import Sets the Name of the Group

    When a group is imported into BPMN, it receives the referenced category value as its name.

    Excel Import: Modify Existing Elements

    Importing an Excel file changes an existing model element only if it can be uniquely determined by the following properties alternatively:

    • UUID
    • Name, stereotype, and qualified name of the owner
    • Name, stereotype, and selected owner


    The hotfix corrects multithreading in the server to prevent untimely termination of repositories.

    New Features

    Align Models: Selection of Elements

    For model alignment, it is sufficient if a root element is defined on only one side. This way, elements that exist in only one of the two models can be explicitly taken into account during model alignment. For a root element it is also possible to specify that its subelements are not taken into account. So it is possible that a package is compared without its content.

    ArchiMate®: Import and Export of Multilingual Texts

    ArchiMate® import and export includes multilingual description texts if translations are found. For the import of the translations to succeed, the languages concerned must be configured as display languages and the user must have the “Translating” privilege.

    Bpanda Connector: Add-on for Import of Process Properties

    The “Bpanda Connector Import” add-on ($INOPRJ\config\addon\) provides a profile and an application configuration for the exemplary import of special process properties from Bpanda. These are properties that deal with the import and release of the process in Bpanda. These properties are defined as stereotype properties in the “Bpanda Connector Import” profile. The mapping of the properties in Bpanda to the stereotype properties in Innovator is done via an application configuration.

    To be able to use the profile and application configuration, the add-on must be reloaded. This does not create a new model package which imports the reloaded profile. With a suitable model package with the processes, the “Bpanda Connector Import” profile must be marked as an imported profile.

    Search: SELECT Options in Advanced Search

    In the advanced search SELECT was extended to include:

    • Source
    • Target
    • Outgoing Relationship
    • Incoming Relationship
    • Connected Relationships
    • Logical Diagram Contents

    Feature Updates

    Bpanda Connector Supports Roles

    When exporting the organizational structure to Bpanda, roles are also taken into account. When exporting a process, the link to a role attached to a lane is transferred. In Bpanda, the link is visible as soon as both the process and the role have been imported from Innovator.

    Create Process as Lane

    When creating a lane in an empty diagram, a process containing the created lane is automatically created. The process is created via a corresponding menu command of the diagram. Depending on the configured settings in the create template of the menu command, a process definition diagram may be created for the process. Without a suitable menu command, the process is created with default values and without a process definition diagram.

    DDL Generation for Foreign Keys

    In the DDL configurations, the “One separate file for foreign keys” option in the “Files” group causes foreign keys to be output to a separate “ForeignKeys.sql” file, which is automatically created in the output file directory.

    Diagrams: Display of Translated Texts

    In the diagram, texts assigned to edges or nodes are displayed completely when the display language is changed. The existing text width is retained and the height is adjusted based on the text.

    Diagrams: Edges Cannot Be Superimposed

    Moving an edge is undone if this results in one of the following constellations:

    • the moved edge completely covers another edge
    • the moved edge is completely covered by another edge

    Bug Fixes

    Align Models: Searches for the Right Model

    If a search is selected for the right model in the “Align Models” editor, this will also succeed if this search uses model-specific configurable elements, such as stereotypes.

    Beamer: Performance

    The right tree is built up much faster again.

    Bpanda Connector: Order of Flow Elements

    When exporting a process to Bpanda, the order of the process content in Bpanda is determined by the order in the Model Element List in Innovator.

    Consistency Check on Person in Charge and Deputy

    Relationships between organizational units and persons can be modeled as “Person Assignment”. These relationships can also be edited for the organizational unit as “In Charge” and “Cover” properties. Both properties allow a maximum of one person as a value. When merging model contents, changes are rejected if they would lead to a second value of the same property.

    DMN Import: Binding with Nested Structures

    Decisions containing bindings with nested structures (ItemComponents) are imported completely.

    DMN: Simulation of Context Entries

    Decisions with context entries can be simulated regardless of the order in which the context entries have been created.

    Inconsistency of Message Flow

    When copying elements with comments included, comment connections are rejected if the connected element is not copied at the same time and it is a participant or message flow.

    Multithreading Corrected

    During testing of multithreading in the server, a situation was found where the repository untimely terminated and could not be restored. The multithreading has been corrected accordingly.

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2

    The server components of Innovator 15.1 are operable on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2.

    Innovator 15.1 (Innovator

    New Features

    Adopt Date and Time from the Properties to the Extended Search

    You can copy the content of a date/time box to the clipboard by the context menu. Date and time will then be in a format that can be consumed by the extended search.

    ArchiMate® Diagrams: Hide Comment Connections

    In ArchiMate® diagrams elements can be displayed multiple times as nodes. Comments are connected to all occurrences of the commented elements by default. This automatically creates edges to the multiple representations of the same element. The connecting edges of comments can be removed from the diagram. Via “Display>Relationships” the connection edges can be hidden or shown. In addition to connections to comments, connections to attachments are also supported.

    Bookmarks can be Grouped

    The “Bookmarks” view of the “Model Contents” tool window allows you to group elements. You can create folders to maintain technically related bookmarks separately.

    BPMN: Additional Drop Options for Messages

    If you drag a message to a free space in a process, then a new task will be created with task type Send and the message. If you drag a message onto a message flow, then the Message property of the message flow will be changed. If the source and destination elements of the message flow do not use a message yet, the message will be taken over.

    BPMN: Display Specifications of Called Elements

    For call activities, the specifications of the called element are additionally displayed in the specification preview and in the text editor. The specifications are read-only and marked with “[element type]” in the title for better differentiation.

    BPMN: Import of a Data Object Can Use Global State

    When importing a BPMN file, the state of a data object is imported as a local state. If a business object is assigned to the data object, then a global state on the business object is used if the “Use global state” option is set.

    BPMN: Name Maintenance for Business Objects

    For business objects the maintenance of the name is supported. The name of the business object is taken from the data structure. If the business object does not have a user-defined name, maintenance takes place when the data structure is replaced or renamed. For user-defined names, resetting to the default name is offered if a data structure exists. If, when dragging and dropping a data structure into a process, a new business object is also created in addition to the data object, then this new business object automatically receives the name of the data structure and subsequently the data object receives the name of the business object.

    BPMN Diagrams: Activity Resources are Automatically Sorted

    The activity resources are automatically sorted within the activity according to the type of assignment. Unspecified entries are always placed at the end of the list. The sorting is adjusted when new activity resources are created and when the type of assignment is changed. An order can be specified in the resource assignment selection dialog. This order is then taken into account within the same type of assignment.

    BPMN Diagrams: Display Option for the Diagram Notation

    For BPMN diagrams, the appearance of the nodes can be controlled via the “Diagram Notation” display option. With “Innovator” the current representation is used, while with “Standard” the rather angular representation of the BPMN specification is used. Without a display option, “Innovator” is used.

    BPMN Diagrams: Resource Representation in Separate Node

    The resources of each activity can be listed completely in a separate node below the activity. The node can be moved freely within the container of the activity. It is automatically moved together with the activity. The display of resources for all activities in the diagram is controlled by the display options. For the diagram (root in the display options), the display option “Resource Display Kind” must be set to “All”. Without the display option or with “No Display”, no nodes will be displayed for the resources. If MID templates are used, then the setting “Resource Display Kind” can be made in the display options inside the diagram. The display within the node is influenced by the display options for the resource node, in particular by the icon properties “Assignment Type” and “Activity Resource Type”. The previous resource display options are still supported.

    Chapters for Docu-Structure and Details Extended

    In the “Documentation Structures” view, additional chapters for labels, specifications, stereotype properties and type system options enable the display of all used elements for the documentation and the browser configuration of the details. For these, analogously to the procedure for all elements, the set values can then also be shown as a name component.

    Decimal Number as Data Type

    Labels, stereotype properties and type system options can also be configured as decimal numbers. The number of decimal digits can be specified for the decimal number. The values can be limited to an integer maximum or minimum value via a value restriction. For primitive types, decimal number, date, time, or date/time can be set as “Type Kind”. When assigning slot values, the kind of type is accordingly supported.

    Diagrams: Positioning of Frame Titles

    The positioning of the frame title can be controlled in the “Properties” tool window of the selected frame. The title can be positioned on all four sides both inside and outside the frame. On the left and right edges, the caption is automatically rotated in vertical direction. In the respective reading direction, the alignment can be specified.

    ER Diagrams: Display Options for the Diagram Notation

    For entity-relationship diagrams, the notation is specified via the “Diagram Notation” display option. For SERM notation, the display option “SERM Edge Notation” can additionally be used to specify whether edges are displayed according to the standard SERM notation, classically (as in Innovator Data classiX) or in James Martin notation.

    Without display option, the last used notation is used for existing diagrams, while SERM notation is always used for new diagrams. Without display option, SERM edge notation is always used as default. The GUI display options for the diagram notation and the SERM Edge Notation are no longer applicable.

    ER Foreign Keys: Maintenance of Short Names

    The short names of foreign keys or foreign attributes are maintained in the same way as the long names. When creating, the short name of the referenced entity or referenced attribute is copied to the short name of the foreign key or foreign attribute. When the short name of the referenced entity or referenced attribute is changed, it is also copied if the short name of the foreign key or foreign attribute was not changed by the user.

    If a change of the foreign key element is necessary due to name uniqueness – e.g. in case of two relations to the same entity – the user can change the names or short names by extending the identifier by prefix or suffix. If this user-defined identifier is then changed to default, the prefix and suffix are preserved in case of future maintenance.

    Excel Export is Controllable via API

    You can export model elements via API using an instance of the “MID.Innovator.Plugins.ExcelExport.Public. ExcelExport” class. You can use the “SetConfiguration” method to specify the exported columns and their order. You can also specify whether all elements are to be exported to one worksheet. The columns with the same name will be merged. If the file name ends with “json”, “csv” or “xml”, then a JSON, CSV or XML file is created, otherwise an Excel file.

    Find: SELECT Options in Advanced Search

    In the advanced search SELECT has been extended by:

    • Owner (transitive)
    • Owner (self and transitive)
    • Contained Elements (transitive)<Z/li>
    • Contained Elements (self and transitive)

    Include Columns in Database Index

    Indexed table columns have an “Include” property. This supports the concept of included columns by the INCLUDE clause in the CREATE INDEX statement.

    Lock Behavior of the 'Properties' Tool Window Is Controllable

    To avoid mishandling, the “Properties” tool window can be run in a node which requires enabling a checkbox in the left right corner of the properties area prior to editing. The option “Deactivated properties” in the options dialog allows deciding under which circumstances a resetting of the properties area into the active state results. Options include manual deactivation by the checkbox, switching to another window or to another application.

    Manage Client Settings for All Versions of a Model

    In managed models, model-related user settings, such as recently opened documents and bookmarks, are managed together for all versions. In the “Options” dialog it is possible to specify in the “Manage” tab that this is done separately for each version.

    Model Editor and Administration Program Remember Directories

    Windows and dialogs that can load or save files remember the selected paths for the file selection dialogs as far as possible in context, even across sessions.

    OpenAPI Export

    Interface descriptions can be exported in accordance with the OpenAPI specification via a plug-in available on demand. This means that interface descriptions for software development or for interface partners can always be generated up to date from a model. Using a configuration that can be created individually, the export can be adapted for a wide variety of profiles and modeling procedures. A sample configuration is included in an add-on model template.

    Packages can be Root of Data Models

    Packages below a model can serve as the root of a data model. As before, a model knows all type systems from directly imported profiles. Below that, the known type systems can be restricted at a package. A package with such a restriction is then considered as a possible root of a data model.

    To be offered as a database model of an automatic mapping or an ER-DB mapping, the stereotype of the package must be a sub-stereotype of a stereotype with the logical name “physicalModel”. Without such a super stereotype, the package is considered the root of a conceptual data model. Since the selection of target models in the ER-DB mapping can become larger as a result and the grouping names would also no longer be unique, a namespace selection dialog is used instead of a drop-down list.

    PowerShell: Export and Import of Model Fragments

    Commandlets (cmdlet) for exporting and importing model fragments are available in the PowerShell. The import is provided by the commandlet “Import-InnoModelFragment”, while the export is done by the commandlet “Export-InnoModelFragment”.

    PowerShell: Export Model Elements

    With PowerShell, model elements can be exported via the commandlet (cmdlet) “Export-InnoModelData”. Excel, CSV, JSON or XML can be selected as export format. The exported columns can be specified.

    PowerShell: Search Model Elements

    PowerShell can be used to search for model elements in model versions and stand-alone models using the Find-InnoModelElements commandlet (cmdlet). Model-wide or user-specific saved searches or the extended query language (SQL) can be used.

    Synonyms for Glossary Terms

    Synonymous terms can be defined for glossary terms. The terms of a synonym set are equivalent. Each term can only be contained in one set of synonyms.

    Feature Updates

    # API under Linux and Windows

    The C# API can also be used under Linux. When using it under Windows, two new assemblies must be included:

    • MID.Innovator.Core.Windows
    • MID.Innovator.API.Windows

    In order to use the API and the static methods and properties from MID.Innovator.Core and the other assemblies, these must be initialized. To do this, an initialization method must be called once before the first use.

    • Linux: MID.Innovator.API.util.StaticApiServices.InitDefault();
    • Windows: MID.Innovator.API.util.StaticWindowsApiServices.InitDefault();

    Application Configurations with Privileges

    The “Administrative Content” view in the “Model Content” tool window can be opened without model administrator status if the “Edit model-wide Configuration” privilege is present. Then only application configurations are displayed.

    Automatic Mapping Prevents Manual Mapping

    When manually mapping from a conceptual model to a database model, no database table is created or modified for an entity if database tables exist in this database model that were created by automatic mapping. For a FROM clause whose entity is not automatically mapped, a warning message is issued if there are database tables in this database model that were created by automatic mapping.

    Beamer: Name Filter for 'Relationships' List

    Depending on the structure of the model, it can be tedious to find a specific element in the Beamer. The list “Relationships” can be restricted by a name pattern. If an element is to be found in the tree, the list can be displayed with the Filter Selection “unfiltered”, the element can be found with the name pattern and automatically jumped to in the tree by selection in the list.

    BPMN: Connect Subprocess with Message Flow

    Message flows can be linked to subprocesses on both sides. The subprocess must not be marked as “is Triggered by Event”

    BPMN: Maintenance of State Properties for Data Objects Enhanced

    If a data object is linked to an activity or an event via a data association, then a dependent data object is created in the activity or event, which takes over the state properties from the linked data object. The maintenance of the properties takes place in the direction to the dependent data object.
    If a process is called by a task, then input and output data objects of process and calling task can be connected (property “Data Object of Called Element” or “Data Objects of Calling Elements”). Changes to the state properties are adopted for the connected data objects of the call, respectively. The transfer of the state properties from the calling task to the process is only permitted if it is the definition of the process.

    BPMN: Selection of Storage Location during Import

    For the import of BPMN files, it is possible to set in the import configuration whether the storage location is fixed for the importing user. Otherwise, the user can select the storage location during the import. To create an import configuration, the user must have the “Edit model-wide configuration” privilege.

    BPMN: Using Concepts as Business Resources

    For the properties “Partner Entity” and “Partner Function” of participant, “Resource Assignment” of activity, “Resources” of lane and “Responsible Business Resource” of process, concepts can also be used as values in addition to resources, actors and components. To be able to use concepts, the configuration must be extended accordingly.

    BPMN Diagrams: Groups in Foreground or Background

    Groups in BPMN diagrams can be displayed in the foreground or background via the context menu.

    BPMN Diagrams: Participants of a Collaboration on Size

    If the participants are abutting the collaboration on both sides, then the participants will follow the collaboration as it scales up and down.

    Command Lists for Undo and Redo

    The button of the Undo command has a menu assigned with a list of recently run commands. On selection of a menu command the commands up to this point will be undone. Analogously the button of the Redo command has a menu of recently undone commands.

    Configuration editor: Dialog Control of Display Options

    For contents of diagrams the display can be configured in the dialog “Edit>Display Options”. The configuration can be done in different profiles. Via “View>Imported Entries” it can be controlled whether only display options from the current or additionally from imported profiles are listed in the dialog.

    DDL Import Supports Multiple Type Systems

    If you use the wizard for importing from a DDL file, then you can select packages as target that import multiple type systems. In this case, you must select one of the type systems in the next step. The data types and the type system options are used from the selected type system.

    Diagrams: Deleting Elements with Lock by Other Users

    When deleting an element, all graphical occurrences are also deleted. The access right must be available for all diagrams with a graphical occurrence. The locking of these diagrams by other users is tolerated and does not lead to the rejection of the deletion.

    Dimension Maintenance Supports Sorting

    In dimension maintenance, the current sort order of the dimension is saved when you save. The “New dimension element” command creates a new dimension element below the selected dimension element. If none is selected, it will be inserted at the first position. The “Copy” command copies the selected dimension element to the clipboard. The “Paste” command inserts the dimension element from the clipboard below the selected dimension element. If none is selected, it will be inserted at the first position. In case of multi-selection, always only the first selected element is taken into account.

    Excel Export of History and Change Set Tables

    History and changeset tables can show the data of numerous elements or changesets. Commands for opening these tables are therefore working on multiple selection. Exporting those tables to Excel files is possible.

    Focus Behavior on Role Switch Improved

    The focus handling of some navigation windows regarding role switch has been improved. It is e.g. easier to create an element in the model content following a necessary role switch, because the global selection is retained.

    Glossaries for Additional Element Types

    Technical terms could be used in the BPMN environment as “Associated terms”. The list of supported element types has been extended and now additionally includes all stereotyped element types. These include classes, entities, and concepts, among others.

    I/O Structures at System Model Level

    The property “Link I/O Structures directly with the Data Model” is set on the system model and thus applies only to the submodel below the system model. The property can be used to control for data associations whether a direct link to classifiers or I/O structures is to be evaluated or whether a pair of business object and structure definition is always required.

    Localized Information for Configuration Content

    In the configuration editor, localized information about the elements can be queried via “Help>What’s this?”. For enumeration values of stereotype properties or labels the localized names are supplied. All configuration contents show the available descriptions in all languages and not only in the currently active language. The localized element headings for documentation chapters and the lock messages for profiles are displayed in all languages.

    Paste as Model-External Reference not Applicable in New Models

    The command “Paste>Paste as Model-External Reference” is no longer available in new Innovator models. In transformed models where there is still a general mapping configuration, the command is still available.

    Placeholder for Specification Texts Expands Formatted Texts Too

    Placeholders can be used in specifications and comments to reference labels or other texts, for example. The placeholder $t(<text name>) also expands a formatted text, but it is embedded without formatting.

    Ribbon 'Import/Export'

    The import and export commands have been moved from the “Extras” ribbon to the new “Import/Export” ribbon. Adjustments to existing plug-ins are not necessary in most cases.

    Set Network Card for Model Server or Agent

    If a computer running a model server or agent has multiple network cards, then the INO_NAT_IPADR environment variable can be used to specify which network card a client uses to communicate with this model server or agent. INO_NAT_IPADR must be set in the system variables.

    If the environment variable is to be used for an agent, then the agent must be reinstalled as a service after setting the environment variable. On Linux, the IP address to be used is supplied to the agent via a call argument.



    Show Image Attachments as Images

    Attachments that reference an image can be displayed in the diagram as an image or node. The command “Display as image” is offered in the context menu if an attachment that is displayed as a node is selected. The command “Display as node” is offered if an attachment that is displayed as an image is selected. Multiple selection is possible. If nothing is selected, then all image attachments are considered for the offered commands.

    Tables: Font Type and Size Affect the Entire Table

    If a table is entirely selected inside a specification text and font type or size are set, then these properties affect also future cells of the table. Analogously the settings of font type and size on an entirely selected enumeration affect also bullet or numbering.

    Tables: Set to Standard with Multiple Selection

    Tables allow setting the standard value on multiple selection.

    Text Definition 'BPMN Extension' Hidden

    In the “BPMN 2” profile, “BPMN Extension” text definitions are available for 31 element types (e.g. task and subprocess) and are marked as unformatted text. The display of the text changes from “Document Area” to “Hidden” to prevent changes to the special syntax used internally for import and export. Hidden texts are not taken into account when calculating SmartIcons.

    Text Filtering Indicated More Prominently

    Windows whose content is restricted by a persistent text filter have a conspicuous marking next to the filter field or above the content. This particularly affects the navigation panes and the diagram’s relationship wizard. In the structure content of the model content, the filter field is cleared when the context element changes.

    Type Kind of Primitive Types Changed

    In the shipped “ROOT PROFILE” profile, the “Type Kind” of the following primitive types has been changed from “String” to a more specific type:

    • “Decimal number” and “Dezimalzahl” use “Decimal” with two decimal digits
    • “Date” and “Kalenderdatum” use “Date”
    • “Time” and “Tageszeit” use “Time”
    • “Date Time” and “Zeitpunkt” use “Date/Time”

    Bug Fixes

    Impact Analysis: Changing the Display Behavior

    In the impact analysis, when editing the display configuration (moving it to the “User-Defined” list), the entry is not colored and the “Set conditions for display configuration” dialog opens instantly.

    Placeholders in Specifications and Comments

    Placeholders can be used in specifications and comments, e.g. to reference labels or other texts. The placeholder $l(<label name>) is evaluated correctly for the logical label name to be specified. If an enumeration type with localized values is referenced, then the display in the diagram will use the currently valid display language.

    Repeated Switching Between User Interfaces is Possible

    With the M2M-SDK, it is possible for the user to repeatedly switch between the user interfaces defined in the flow control with Next and Back.