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Innovator 15.0

As of January 28, 2021, you can download Innovator 15.0 from our website.
We’ve summarized the most important new features here for you at a glance.

Synchronous Model Elements

Our Innovator 15.0 release from January 28 allows you to keep your models free from redundancies using the various modeling languages. To do so, use the model configuration to set the elements and properties which Innovator should automatically synchronize for you. This allows you to use the same technical object in your enterprise architecture, business process modeling, software architecture and data modeling. Innovator takes the jobs of maintaining names, properties, texts and relationships to other objects off your hands; allowing you to retain consistency throughout complex models with various modeling languages. Always use the same technical object, whether it be in your enterprise architecture, business process modeling, software architecture or data modeling. Innovator takes care of the details automatically, maintaining names, properties, texts and even relationships to other objects. It has never been easier to keep complex models spanning various modeling languages consistent.

Innovator 15.0 SAP Solution Manager Interface | MID GmbH

New and Improved SAP® Solution Manager Interface

The proven interface to the SAP® Solution Manager has been overhauled with this release. It is now even easier to transfer business processes you modeled in Innovator to SAP®. You can use the detailed change summary to check whether the changes to be made are actually correct. Also profit from a checking logic tailored to meet your needs; add relevant technical fields quickly and easily in the transfer check. You are then just a few clicks away from transferring your processes to the SAP® Solution Manager. You can also use the interface for transferring SAP® library elements to Innovator. This enables you to reuse these elements within your Innovator processes.

Latest MSIX Installer Technologies

Innovator 15.0 uses the latest Microsoft MSIX installer technology to enable simple, uninterrupted and secure distribution of the Innovator software within your company. MSIX native support through Windows 10 and a fully virtual installation enables quick and secure distribution to all client computers. The update mechanism is another one of the many advantages offered by the modern technology. You can carry out quicker updates using packages internally prepared that are distributed in the background using fewer resources. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to use MSIX with your future Innovator rollout!

Innovator 15.0 Improvements | MID GmbH

Numerous Improvements to Details for Proven Features

We strive to steadily improve proven features with every new version we bring out and take Innovator customer feedback into consideration. Use graphics and images in specification contexts to make your technical documentation more attractive and comprehensive with Innovator 15.0. You can now also search for and find deleted elements in your models. This makes it a doddle to seamlessly trace model changes. Use the table element view for all elements, regardless of the respective element type used. This gives you not only a better overview, but also allows you to carry out bulk changes more quickly. The table process view gives you a structured view of Your BPMN processes.

You can find all details about these changes and further changes in our official Innovator 15.0 Release info.